{ 28 } - Discoveries

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Sarah's POV

"Hello, Jess." I mumble, as I enter the reception room at the beginning of the day.

"Morning, Sarah. God, you look a bit rough. You okay?" she cocks her eyebrow.

"Wow, thanks a bunch, Jess." I roll my eyes sarcastically. I haven't been sarcastic in a while, I think to myself. Dan is probably rubbing off on me.

I'd been sleeping at the hospital now. In a part of the hospital where the doctors that do night shifts sleep. I felt like a zombie. I always slept well, and now I barely slept four hours a night. My eyelids were constantly drooping throughout the day. God, I'm in my mid thirties. What am I doing?

But I had to keep on working. I had promised Dan I would find a way, I was convinced we were almost at the end of our mission, Marcus and I. Our mission to discover how to break Phil through his coma. We were close to answers, and although Marcus wasn't sure, I knew we were. But when I woke up this morning, I somehow knew that something was different.

I just knew it. And I was right.

I walked past Jess at the desk, and out through the doors to get to my office. The corridors were the same as ever: bleak and souless. My footsteps echoed as I marched through the corridor. Most of the other doctors and nurses knew about Dan and Phil now, they would walk past the door and gingerly press their ears against it to check up in the two of them. They knew Dan was struggling.

And I entered my office, to find Marcus, asleep at my desk. His arms were stretched out in front of him, and I jumped out of my skin when I saw him.


"W-Whaa?" His head shot up, his cheek red from leaning on the desk, his eyes squinting. He sat up and leant back into my desk chair, his white uniform shirt all creased.

"Marcus? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Marcus yawned, rubbing his eyes. He peered at me through his hands and choked, as if he suddenly remembered where he was. To my confusion, he gave me a huge grin and joy and excitement flooded his eyes.

"Sarah! Sarah, guess what!"

He jumped up from the desk, clutching some papers in his hand. My desk chair flew back but he ignored it entirely. One look at him made me think of an excited child on Christmas Day.

"What? Did you find-"

"Yes! Sarah! I have the answer to the coma! We can wake him up! We can do it! I've done it! I've found the answer!"

* * *

We raced down the corridor, carrying the medication bottles in our arms. Doctors passed us, glaring at us in puzzlement. We probably looked like children, smiles plastered on our faces.

We'd done it!

Marcus pushed open the door to Phil's room and immediately began setting up the medicine on the table.

I followed him in, surprised to see that Dan wasn't in his usual spot. There was a crease in the chair where he'd been sat for the past weeks. But I couldn't care less, I'd have to find him later. Now, it was up to us to finally wake up Phil.

Marcus injected Phil's arms with medication, pulled out his gas tubes, I replaced them with imienioxide gas tubes. More actions were taking place. When we'd finished, Marcus turned to me.

"Looks like we're done. All we have to do is wait. See, Sarah. We didn't need the best doctors in England to help us. We did it all alone."

"No, you did. Well done, Marcus. Well done."

Phil was going to wake up.

We did it.


A/N: hey guys! I know they're wasn't any phan stuff in this but there will be in the next chapter, this was just a filler. Thanks again for 1k reads wow :) !!!

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