{ 36 } - Twisted

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Phil's POV

Everything is so peaceful. It's lovely.

No more dark prison cell inside my head, no more tormenting dreams every few minutes. No more of being alone and afraid and frozen and stressed and anxious.

I can feel the cold, harsh hospital light piercing through my eyelids. And it's almost a nice feeling.

I can hear the quiet consistent beeping of the monitors around me, and it's almost comforting. The beeps mean I'm alive. And safe.

I'm in the care of well-trained people, and I know I will be alright, I have so many people to thank. The nurse Sarah and her fellow doctor, Marcus... Well, I guess you could say I owe my life to them. It worries me that Sarah spent so long being worried about me, and then worked so hard and I realise I really have nothing in return to give them. I hate it; not being able to give them anything in return for what they've done. I've sworn to myself that I will do anything to help them when I'm finally allowed to leave the hospital. I am incredibly lucky, I know.

I jerk myself awake when I hear an unfamiliar nosie in the room. It sounds like shuffling, and I instantly realise that someone else is in the room with me. My eyes flip open and quickly close at the shock of the bright light burning my eyes. I push myself up into my elbows, using the pillows behind me as support.

"Wh-Wh-What's..." I mumble, a long growl erupting from my throat as I rub my eyes.

I hear a gasp as my eyes focus slightly.

"Phil! Sorry, I wasn't supposed to wake you up."

The voice instantly soothed me; it's only Sarah. My eyes focus more and I can see a blurry blue body shape stood near the end of my bed. I reach across to my left and fumble around on the table, my hand searching for my glasses. I feel the familiar plastic frames and I slip them into my face. Instantly, I can see Sarah and the rest of the room in properly.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Of course, Phil. Do you feel alright? Do you need anything?"

"I wouldn't mind having a glass of water, thank you." I say, after realising my throat feels like a beaver is trying to crawl up it every time I speak.

"Of course."

Sarah steps round to the bed on the left. She grabs my cup from the bedside table and walks to the water tank attached to the room at the far end of the room. The water trickled into the cup, like a tiny, peaceful waterfall. I sighed contentedly as I leaned back against the pillows, stretching out my sore arms.

Sarah turned around and walked to my bedside table, but as she stretched across to place the cup onto the table, I focused onto her face and squinted slightly.



"Why are your eyes red?"

I watched her carefully. Her eyes widened and she quickly backed away from the bed.

"Sarah, are you alright? Have you been crying?"

"No, no, no, of course not, Phil. Don't be silly." But my suspiscions were confirmed when she sniffed loudly and her tone was hurried and shaky.

"Sarah? Has something happened?"

"No Phil. Nothing has happened. You don't need to worry. You need to rest now, Phil. You-"

"But I've been sleeping for hours," I whined, sounding vaguely like a grumpy toddler.

"Rest Phil."

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