Chapter 4

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I am so sorry it took so long to update you guys. Ive been soo busy but here you go. I love you all my walking dead babies ♡


NO! NO! Not her not my love. Not Skylar. We all looked at her and then Rick and I looked at her. Skylar coughed again more blood coming out.

"Skylar honey you need to go into isolation" Rick said.

"No, no I don't want her in there. Find someone else to go on that run I'm staying right here" I explained grabbing onto Skylars arm.

She pulled away and when you looked at her you could tell she looked sick.

"Ill be fine....go...we're all counting on you to bring the medicine back" she told me weak and breathing heavy.

No, no I wanted to stay right here with Skylar what if something happened and I wasn't here I would never forgive myself.

"But Skylar-"

"No Daryl go. I'll be fine...I'm going to be okay" she said and she walked away.

I looked at Rick and he sighed.

"Look I know you're scared and believe me I am too. But we need those meds. Please come and bring them back and be careful we need you and we care about you"

I nodded and got my group that I was taking ready. I was determined to go get those meds and bring them back to our people. I would make sure Skylar lived I needed her to live.



I walked into the one room and seen Daryl on the other side of some glass. He looked upset and was holding his crossbow. I dragged my feet over to the glass and leaned against the wall and looked at him.

"Hey baby" Daryl said.

I did a weak smile and I could feel my stomach turning.

"Hi Daryl"

"Where getting ready to head out I want to say goodbye and tell you that I love you" he told me.

Then he put his hand on the glass and I lined my hand up with his. It sucked not being able to touch him not being able to kiss him. I wanted so bad to touch him and kiss him and hold him and never let go. I sighed and wiped away a stray tear and Daryl must have seen.

"Hey, don't cry I'll be okay. I'll come back and we'll make sure you and everyone else feel better. Look at me babe I love you"

I looked at him through the glass.

"I love you too Daryl. Please, please come back to me" I begged.

Daryl nodded and blew me a kiss which was the best I was going to get for now.

"I will babe."

He put his hand on the glass again one last time and he walked away and out the door. I leaned against the glass and let the tears flow. This was horrible we were losing people left and right. Hershel and Caleb were in here trying to help to the beat of their abilities. Glenn and Sasha had came down withit as well and we were all in quaritne. I walked out and seen Glenn sitting up near a window. I slowly came up the stairs and sat next to him out of breath.

"This sucks" I mumbled leaning my head on his shoulder.

I had never felt so weak in my life. Glenn was soaked in his own sweat but so was I. My hair was damp but I was to sick to even care.

"Yeah, how was seeing Daryl?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"It was okay I guess. Hes getting ready to leave....did you see Maggie?"

Glenn moved and shook his head I lifted mine to look at him.

"No, if she seen me like this there'd be no way to keep her out....I can't believe after everything a cold is going to kill us all" he explained.

My eyes widened in shock. How could he say something like that?

"Glenn we're going to be okay. Daryl and his group are going to get meds. Itll be okay we'll beat this."

Caleb and Hershel came up the stairs and Caleb grabbed my arm pulling me up gently and drapped my arm over his shoulder.

"Let's get you to a cell where you can rest okay Skylar."

All I could do was nod. Daryl please hurry please.

*Third Person*

Daryl, Michonne, Bob, and Tyreese were all in the car driving on the way to the college Hershel talked about. It was all silent and all that we could hear was the sound of our breathing i looked at Michonne.

"Hey I know you weren't running off. The thing is that trail went cold. If it was any different I'd be right out there with you, you know that right?" I asked.

All she did was look at me and then we picked up a signal and heard someone talking on the radio but it was to hard to make out. I sighed and then the car hit a walker and I started sweatcing trying to get the car under control and I hit the brakes and my eyes widened at what I seen in front of me. Walkers hundreds maybe thousands of walkers and we were caught right in the middle of them.

"Go to the left" Michonne instructed.

I tried but we didn't get far we were jammed up and all the wheel of the car was doing was spinning on the crushed head of a walker. I looked around.

"Make a run for the gap don't stop for nothing you hear me? Now!" I yelled.

I popped through the hood of car and started to shoot walkers and I yanked and arrow out of the head while the other faught through and we ran towards the woods to get away. I stopped and realized we were missing someone. Tyreese, we all looked at eachother and then Tyreese came stumbling out of the woods covered in walker guts. I ran helping him up and we kept moving.

I was helping Maggie keep the fence up since it was collapsing because of the cluster of walkers. And everyday the heard got bigger and it was harder to keep the fence up. I looked at it and then Maggie. Maybe we could do it but honestly I wasnt sure. With the illness and the fence there weren't a lot of us left.
Hope you enjoyed it.

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