Chapter 8

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I was walking with Rick while Carl walked in front with us. I watched him he was mad he even lashed out at me. I don't blame him for being angry we had lost our home I was angry. I missed Daryl I hoped he was alive and okay. Was he alone?? Had he made it out? I hoped so but I hadnt seen him when I was leaving. Please Daryl be okay. I wanted to cry but its like my body wasn't letting me. My hands just shook while my anxiety rose amd consumed my whole body. I winced as I got a sharp pain go through my arm. I shut my eyes tight and tried to breath past the pain.

"You okay?" Rick asked.

I nodded and then I felt the pain fade and we kept walking.

"Yeah I'm fine. Got shot when we got attacked at the prison" I explained.

Rick looked at me seriously.

"Skylar you got shot you should-"

"I'm fine" I told him and we kept walking.

I had caught up to Carl and walked with him and he didn't even say anything. The silence was coating us and I was starting to feel awkward. I bit my lip.

"You hurt at all?" I asked.

Carl kept walking he didn't even glance at me. But he did answer me,

"No, but you are"

I shrugged.

"Ive been hurt worse. Listen everything is going to be-"

Carl turned and looked at me and I stopped short at the look he had given me. He didn't want to hear me say it. Considering where we were standing things were far from okay. We had no food, water, very limited bullets and nowhere to even hunker down for a night or two. I just hoped we could get through this.

A few days later


Beth and I were running through a feild trying desperately to get away from walkers. I was losing my breath but I kept pushing on. All our bullets were gone my arrows were becoming shitty and we had no shelter. Finally Beth fell to the ground and I fell beside her catching my breath. I had to get through this. My thoughts drifted to Skylar. Was she okay? Was she alive? Was the love of my life still breathing? Was she out there making it? I wanted to find her more than anything. She was all that mattered to me besides our family. Had everyone made it out of the prison? Where was everyone? What the hell was going to happen? It was just Beth and I. Right now my hopes of finding anyone from the prison alive was slim to none. My safe haven, my wife, my hopes all gone. I didn't know if we could ever come back from this. My heart just deflated like a popped balloon. I was probably never going to see anyone again.

Sorry this chapter was uneventful. I just want you to get a sense of what Daryl and Skylar are feeling. Itll get better I promise.

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