Chapter 38

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Hello everyone I owe you guys and apology. I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long. I haven't had a phone and then my laptop took a shit. But here's a long update for all you guys I love you guys ♡♡


I pulled out a pack of smokes I  had in my jacket pocket. I offered one to Aaron but he declined.

"You were right."

Aaron chuckled slightly.


"I came out here to not feel all closed up back there... Even now, this still feels more like me, than back in them houses.  That's pretty fucked up, huh? I feel more normal out here than back at a house with my wife and unborn child" I explained.

"You were trying" Aaron said.

"I had to."

"No, you didn't."

I shook my head.

"No I had to for Skylar. I tried for her not myself. I don't know how" I confessed.

Aaron cleared his throat.

"Listen, I saw you with your group out there on the road. Then you went off on your own by the barn. Storm hit and you led your people to safety. That was it. I knew I had to bring you people back. You were right. We should have kept looking for that guy in the poncho. I shouldn't have given up. You didn't" he explained to me.

I took a drag of my cigarette.

"I'll go. I'll lead them out. You make a break for the fence."

"No, no, no. This was my fault."

"It wasn't a question" I told him. "And this ain't your decision. It ain't nobody's fault. Just let me finish my smoke first."

"No. You don't draw them away. We fight. We go for the fence. We do it together. All right? Whether we make it or not, we do it together. We have to."

I sat there and thought. I exhaled,

"You ready?" I asked.


"We'll go on three. One, two--"

Suddenly a walker head splattered against Aarons window. We sat there stunned until Aarons door was pulled open.

He barreled out and I pushed open my door making my way to the fence through the walkers with my knife. I made it to one of the fences.

"Come on. Come on, get  in here."

We shut the gate and I was able to look at the man who had just helped saved our lives. He was  an average height black man. He carried a stick, a backpack and a tan coat.

"That was-- oh-- thank you. I'm Aaron, this is Daryl" he said.


I looked at him.


"Why? Because all life is precious, Daryl."

We stood there for a moment not speaking.

"Whoever set that trap, they're coming. But I have good news. We do. We have a community not too far from here. Walls, electricity, it's safe. If you'd like to come join us--"

"I thank you." Morgan said cutting him off. "But I'm on my way somewhere. Fact is, I'm lost, so if you could tell me where we are."

Morgan handed me a map and I looked at it. My eyes nearly fell out of my head when I read the writing on the back covered with dry blood spots.

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