Chapter 11

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Here's another one guys. Two in one day yay! Enjoy my lovelies <3 hope you all had a good new year  :)


I was in the woods and looking for some food. I had my eye on a rabbit and had my crossbow lined up and when I pulled the trigger another arrow shot past my face grazing my hair. I looked back at him and stood up to seen Len.

"Fork it over" he said with a smug grin,

"What the hell you doing?" I asked irritated.

"Catching me some breakfast" he said.

I didn't like this guy he made my skin crawl. The way he walked the way he talked he was such an asshole. I could be one right back. I yanked my arrow and his out of the rabbit and held it at my side.

"That's mine" I told him.

"My arrows the one that hit first" Len told me reaching for the rabbit.

I held it back and glared at him.

"Ive been out here since before the sun came up."

Len walked closer to me and I stood my ground.

"You see, the rules of the hunt don't mean jack out here. Now, that rabbit you're holding is claimed, boy. Claimed whether you like it or not. So if I was you, I'd hand it over. Now before you get to wishing you ain't never even got out of bed this morning" He threatened.

"It ain't yours."

Len came closer and I took a small step back and balled my fist ready to hit him if I needed to.

"I see you got a wedding ring. I'll bet this bitch got you all messed up, hmm? Am I right? Got you walking around here like a dead man who just lost himself a piece of tail. Must have been a good'un. Tell me something. Was it one of the little'uns? 'Cause they don't last too long out here."

"Don't you dare talk about my wife" I growled.

I reached for my knife for the way he just spoke about my wife. He had no right to say anything he didn't even know her. 

"Easy there fellas easy. Let's just put our weapons down. See if we can't figure out what's really the problem here, huh?" Joe asked.

Len motioned to the rabbit in my hand Joe looked at me then him.

"Did you claim it?"

"Hell yeah."

Joe looked at me.

"Well there you have it. That critter there belongs to Len. Lets have it"

I just stood there looking at Len. This was mine I caught it my arrow hit it first. It's mine. Joe sighed in and understanding tone.

"Looks like you may be wanting an explanation. See, going it alone, that ain't an option nowadays. Still, it is survival of the fittest. That's a paradox right there. So I laid out some rules of the road to keep things from going Darwin every couple hours. Keep our merry band together and stress-free. All you got to do is claim. That's how you mark your territory, your prey, your bed at night. One word, claimed."

That was stupid. Plain stupid  who the hell does that?

"I ain't claiming nothing"

A grin broke out on Len's face and he chuckled slightly.

"We're gonna teach him right? The rules say we got to teach him"

"It wouldn't be fair to punish you for violating a rule you never even knew existed"

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