Chapter 10

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Sorry this wasn't a very long update and I skipped a bit but here's an update enjoy.


What's the point of living when I'll never see my wife again? What's the point of pushing on and striving to live if Ill never feel her lips on mine? I give up, I give up entirely. Skylar meant more to me than anybody in this world and now she's gone. What scared me most is I didn't know if she was alive or dead. I wanted to believe she was alive but I honestly couldn't be sure. Me and Beth had been on the move for days. She and I both got drunk off some  moonshine and now we were in what use to  be a morticians home. But there was no one here so it was just Beth and I. We had been here for about a day and a half. The  only visitor we had was a very shaggy dirty dog who wouldn't come in. Night had fallen and we were going to leave a thank you note but I decided not to and we'd meet the guy who owned this place if he came back. We heard the cans rustle and I put down my food.

"I'm gonna give that mut one more chance" I said going to the door.

When I opened the door walkers tried to come bursting through and I quickly held it trying to close it. But there were to many.

"Beth! Beth!" I screamed.

She came carrying my crossbow and when I motioned for it she threw it to me.

"Run! Run!" I yelled.

I wanted her to get out of here and be safe. I wasn't going to let her die, no not like this. She was strong she and I were going to make it. I let the door go and started to shoot the walkers as I ran from them.

"Beth climb through the window. Get your shit!"

"I'm not going to leave you" Beth called.

Stubborn woman.

"Go out towards the road I'll meet you there" I told her and continued to fight off the walkers.

I was running and I ran downstairs to wear the bodies we found earlier were. I pushed the up against the walkers trying to kill them and fight my way out. I managed to get up the stairs as I retrieved the arrow that was in a walkers skull and pulled it out. I made it out the door the walkers came through and ran to the road to meet up with Beth. I came across her stuff and it was laying in the ground with the contents spilled all over. Then I heard tires screech and a car with a white cross drove away and they had Beth.

"Beth! Beth!" I yelled and ran after the car.


Daylight had came along and I couldn't run anymore. My feet were throbbing, I was losing my breath, and the car was nowhere in sight. I slowed to a walk catching my breath and then sat down on the ground and hung my head. I let her down I couldn't save her I didn't get there in time. I sighed, I lost my wife, I lost my friends, I lost my brother, my home. I lost everything, why did this have to happen? All I wanted was to stay alive and be with my wife and friends. I cared about them all and I couldn't help but wonder if they were all alive. Especially Skylar was she alive? was she dead? was she okay? I choked back the lump that formed in my throat and I just kept my head down. Why? This was so fucked up why? I wasn't sure how long I had been sitting on the ground it was only when I seen feet did I become on guard. I may not have moved but I was aware of the presence of more than just one person. I looked up slightly,

"Well look here" a voice said.

I said nothing to them. It was only when the one man reach for my crossbow that I reacted punching him and grabbing my weapon standing and aiming it at him. All of his men aimed there weapons.

"Damn it hold up" the guy said.

"I'm claiming the vest. I like them wings" said a different man.

"Hold up" the man I punched said holding  a nose.

I was hoping to break it but I had no such luck this asshole was fine. All was silent for a minute and then what shocked me was the guy started laughing. Who gets punched in the face and then laughs about it. He stood up and I kept my crossbow aimed at him just glaring. I didn't want to talk to him I wasn't interested. If he wanted to kill me I wasn't going to down without a fight. He wiped his nose,

"A bowman. I respect that, see a man with a riffle he could've been some kind of photographer, or soccer coach back in the day. But a bowman's a bowman though and through. What do you got there a hundred fifty pound draw weight. I'll be donkey licked if that thing don't fire at least three hundred feet per second. I've been looking for a weapon like that. Of course, I'd want one with a bit more ammo and minus the oblongata stains. Get yourself in some trouble, partner? You pull that trigger, these boys are gonna drop you several times over. That what you want? Come on, fella, suicide is stupid. Why hurt yourself when you can hurt other people? Name's Joe" he said.

I lowered my crossbow and looked at him the muttered.


Joe smiled and then we all walled down the road and I walked to unsure of these guys. These were bad guys who knows what they can do. I needed to get out of here I didn't know when and I didn't know where I would go but I'd find somewhere. Far away from them.

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