Chapter 33

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Sorry it took so long guys. Enjoy love you bookworms let me know what you think 📖💙


I sat on a tree stump in the dark woods and hung my head. I felt like my whole world had been flipped complete upside down. Skylar was pregnant? What was she thinking? And not even telling me? It completely irresponsible. No no it takes two. This was my fault to. It wasn't all on her. I'm just shocked and angry that she never said a word to me! How dare she? It's my baby too. But what if she met the same fate as Lori? What if she died during birth? I'd be left all alone with our child on top of losing her. I'd die. I dont think I'd be able to go on. I hung my head in my hands and let the tears flow from my eyes. What was I going to do? What would this bring?
The sun had already risen and I hadn't even been to bed. My mind was just going and it wouldn't stop. I wanted to go back, Skylar must be hurt...I seen the look on her face and her tearful eyes and I still turned away. I was scum, I was worse than that I was complete dog shit. I left my wife alone crying after she told me we were gunna have a baby. That scared me more than anything I was responsible for another life. With Judith it was different but this baby's mine. I was going to be a father but I needed to be a better husband. I needed to make up for this and this first step was talking to Skylar. But I didn't even know what to say, what could I say now? And would she even believe me?  I sighed,

Skylar deserves better than me.

I dont deserve her she's way too good for me. Kind, bubbly, funny, caring, a badass, and so sexy. She was me but the oppsoite she definitely had the Dixon attitude. Those were the reasons I love her and she picked me when she didn't even have to look in my direction. I needed to fix this. 
A few days later

*Third Person*

Skylar sat with Glenn on his porch. He had told her what had happened on the run. Tara had been hurt and was out cold. Noah had died on the run and Glenn was really broken up about it. Aiden had died as well so Deanna was a wreck. It seemed everything had been hanging still and they were still adjusting. Rick had gotten close to one of the woman in Alexandria. Her name was Jessie, short blonde hair, nice smile, two boys, she was cute and nice but she was also married. When Skylar met Jessie she had  been watching Judith for Rick. She chatted her up, she was sweet but she was hiding something Skylar could tell she just wasn't sure what. But Rick liked her and trusted her so Skylar pushed her thoughts away. Everyone was just going in their own direction, just trying to get back to a life we once knew.

"How are you buddy?" Skylar asked.

Glenn ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"I still see it when I close my eyes. His face against the glass...the walkers. It was horrifying" he told her.

Skylar rubbed his back comforting him.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Glenn. It never gets easier."

Skylar laid her head on Glenn's shoulder and sighed.

"What about you Sky? Anything?"

Skylar lifted her head and looked at him.

"Have you seen him around?"

Glenn shook his head.

"Then the answer remains the same. Just getting sick and sleeping in an empty bed" Skylar explained frowning.

Glenn stroked her hair.

"Sky, I'm here for you, you know that. Who else knows?"

Skylar sighed.

"Abraham, Carol, you, and now Daryl."

Glenn looked at his best friend seriously.

"You need to tell the group so we can take care of you."

"Im perfectly capable of doing this Glenn. I'm fine"

"What if something happens in the night?" He asked.

Skylar shook her head and looked down at the ground.

"Hey you guys seen Rosita?"

They both looked to see Abraham walking up. They said no and Abraham gave Skylars shoulder a squeeze before walking away.

"I'll be fine, I want to talk to Daryl before anything. I have things to say."

"Um, well there's your chance" Glenn said.

Skylar followed his stare and seen Daryl walking through the gates. Instantly Skylar got up.

I stormed up the street towards Daryl. I seen the look on his face when he seen me and I didn't give a shit.

"Skylar listen-"

"Mother fucker!"

I swung my fist, connecting with his face. He stumbled back a bit shocked and held his face wincing.


I swung again my fist connecting.

"Where the fuck have you been?!" I yelled.

Daryl dabbed his nose looking at the blood then me. I decked him again before he even said anything. It was silent and I waited for him to regain his posture. He sighed,

"Skylar please..I want to talk."

I took another swing again as hard as I could  knocking him to the ground.

"You aren't going to do much talking with a busted jaw and broken nose!"

Daryl groaned as he held his face. I was about to kick him when Glenn pulled me back.

"Whoa whoa okay, Sky that's enough" Glenn told me.

"Get off me."

I struggled in his grip as Daryl got to his feet.

"You asshole, how dare you?" I yelled.

I wanted nothing more than to punch him again but Glenn wouldn't let me go. Daryl wiped his nose with his bandana.

"Skylar baby please. Let me explain, let's talk" he begged.

I shoved Glenn off stating I'd be  calm.

"Now you want to talk?! Where were you three days ago huh?!"

Daryl rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me that bullshit! You drop that on me and expected me to be okay?!" he yelled.

Skylar scoffed angry.

"So you leave?! That's the way we handle things now? You just take off for days!"

"You knew about the baby and didn't tell me!" He yelled back.

"What difference would it have made?!"

Daryl stepped closer to me.

"A huge one then I could've been there before you decided to do something stupid, again!"

I looked at him hurt in my eyes. I felt the tears forming but I didn't let them fall.

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you!"

I slapped him and started to walk away when he grabbed me . I struggled and hit him in the process as he held onto me.

"Hey, hey stop!" Glenn yelled pulling us apart.

I stopped and looked around a crowd had formed. Our entire group and the people of the community. I looked at Glenn,

"Everyone knows now."

I walked away wiping away the tears that spilled.

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