Chapter 15

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Hi guys sorry its taken me so long. Here's an update for you all. This chapter isn't all that eventful. Sorry.
But enjoy! :)


It was hot like worse than hot, scortching even and I was wearing a light shirt. I wiped my head that was dripping with sweat and sighed. I was so tired and my feet were killing me. I was holding my gun close to my chest. I could feel my feet slowing.

"Here, you look ready to pass out Sky" Glenn said handing me a water bottle. I grabbed it grateful and took a few sips handing it back to him.

"So how's Maggie?" I asked.

Glenn sighed.

"She's okay. Worried about Beth but the fact that Daryl could give her some reassurance she's better. We'll get through this, we always do" he said.

I was happy to hear that. These people where my family and I loved them I'd die for one of these people in a heartbeat. I adjusted my gun and kept looking ahead at Rick and Daryl walking leading us. I looked back at Glenn,

"You know back when the prison got attacked. I was with Rick and Carl. I almost got on the bus but an explosion made me retreat. I was hiding trying to get our enemies. The bus pulled away and everything got quite except the walkers. That's when I heard Rick coming up. Then Carl shot a walker saving us" I flipped my hair away.

"For a while I thought I would never see anyone of you guys again. Or Daryl and that scared me more than anything... Thanks for bringing me back to the farm with you that day" I told him gripping his arm and smiled.

Glenn chuckled and nodded.

"The pleasure was all mine."

He hugged me and we kept walking.

I fell up in step in between Daryl and Rick as they talked. Daryl looked at me and his mouth curved in a smile and I winked.

"Hopefully we come across something soon" Rick explained.

I was about to respond when he heard screams for help. Carl and I immediately began running.

"Dad, come on" Carl said.

Rick looked to be hesitating I sighed annoyed and ran towards the voice.

"Skylar!" Daryl yelled.

I heard everyone running following me and I came to the scene and seen what was happening. There was a man, a priest as a matter of fact on top of a large rock surrounded by walkers.


I heard Rick yell but I ignored it. I grabbed my knife and jabbed it into a walkers skull and kicking one way. The others jumped in and helped I smashed a walkers head against the side of the rock and it fell dead. Daryl instantly came next to me. We all looked up at the scared priest and held out my hand.

"Come down, its alright. You're safe, come on come down" I said.

The priest looked at me skeptical but took my hand and crawled down and stood as we all looked at him.

"Thank you" he said his eyes darting over all of us.

We all stood and I looked at him.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Daryl nudged me and I scoffed looking at him breifly.


For a moment a silence fell over all of us.

"I'm okay" he looked at Rick. "Do you have any food?"

"We have some pecons" Carl told him holding out a small handful.

The priest took them and ate one.

"Thank you, I'm Gabriel."

I shifted my weight onto my one foot.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asked.

Gabriel scoffed.

"Does it look like I have any weapons?" He asked.

"We don't give two short and curlys what it look like" Abraham told him.

Gabriel cleared his throat and looked at me as if he was scared. Daryl instantly moved close to my side and held me against him. I looked at Gabriel and nodded.

"I have no weapons of any kind, the word of god is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it" Daryl told him wrapping his arm around me more.

Gabriel nervously smiled.

"I called for help, help came"

I flipped my hair away. All was silent and Judith whined a bit.

"That's a beautiful you have a camp?"

"No, do you?" I asked.

He looked at me then at Rick who gave him a look telling him he has to answer.

"I have a church."

After Rick searched Gabriel for weapons seeing be had none we walked back towards his church. I was walking up front with Rick and Daryl. They were talking and we followed.

"Or maybe I'm lying and there's no chruch ahead at all. Maybe I'm leading you into a dangerous trap so I can steal your squirrels" he told us with a chuckle.

I looked at Daryl who looked at Rick then we all looked at Gabriel. He looked back and when he seen the look on our faces his smile faded.

"Members of my flock said that my sense of humor leaves something to be desired."

I looked at him up and down.

"Yeah it does" I told him.

As we walked the church came into view and I got a little happy inside knowing that this was shelter. At least for the time being. I walked closer and Rick stopped us.

"We'd like to take a look around first, we wanna hold onto a squirrels" Rick told him smiling slighlty.

Wow, I hadn't seen him smile in a long time.



The church wasn't anything to sketchy. I noted as I scanned it along with Skylar and the others. I watched her as she moved along the wall with the slyness of a cat. She looked good and she had learned a lot. How to walk quietly, cover her tracks, shot a crossbow. She was next to a doorway holding a gun and she motioned to Abraham who came over to her and opened the door. The second it opened Skylar slipped in and out of sight. Rick, Michonne, Abraham, Carol and I waited. Thats when she walked out and looked at us.

"All clear."

Good now we can take a breath and find out what we were going to do next.

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