Chapter 21

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Sorry my update took so long guys, but this is a long one so enjoy :) get ready to cry I did writing this.


We had made it into the hospital and I was looking through the window. I could see Beth and Carol they were both so close. We had the officers after we killed one because he tried to escape. I looked at Rick then Daryl. My nerves were tingling my breathing increasing. I was nervous but we were literally so close. A few steps and we were in the hallway with everyone. Suddenly Dawns voice came over one of the walkies.

"Put your weapons away."

"You as well."

I put my gun in my holster along with everyone who shielded their weapons.  I looked through the window again and studied this woman Dawn. She looks like the type of woman who would take charge if no one else did. She looked smart but in a way reckless. She stood with her hands on her hips with that cop gesture. I could tell just by looking at Dawn that she was someone who still played by the rules.

"Ready?" Noah asked us all.

I took a deep breath and Rick pushed open the door and we all walked through.  It was silent and  no one said anything and that's when Carol started to be rolled to the front of these people. Beth stood behind her and I locked eyes with her. She was alive thank god she was alive.

"They haven't been harmed" Rick told Dawn as he stood behind them.

"Where's Lamson?" she asked looking at us all.

My nerves started to ripple and Noah must have noticed because he nudged me and I nodded telling him I was fine.

"Rotters got him" the female officer said.

"We saw it go down."

Dawn looked at them it seemed like she was trying to decide whether to believe their story or not. Because if not like Tyreese said there will be a lot of bullets flying around.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good of yours for one of mine" she ordered.

Rick nodded and Daryl started to walk the male cop over towards his people and a cop pushed Carol to us in a wheelchair. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.  I stood and waited, Beth was next. Sweet Beth, that's when Dawn grabbed Beth and started walking her towards us while Rick walked the other cop towards them. As soon as Beth got to Rick he hugged her and she made her way towards us. I moved swiftly and engulfed her in a hug.

"Beth oh my god" I said as I held onto her.

She was here and this was going good. We were going to walk out of here with no casualties. We all started to walk towards the exit.

"Glad we could work things out" Dawn told us.

We all stopped back to look at her.


We started walking again but came to another stop when she shouted.

"Now I just need Noah."

No way.

"And then you can leave" she finished.

Rick turned around to finally face her. He walked towards her,

"That wasn't part of the deal-"

"Noah was my ward. Beth took his place I'm losing her so I need him back."

One of the other tried to speak but she quickly shut her down. Dawn looked at that Rick and she had that look, the same look Rick had and it was a look of determination.

"My officers put their lives on the line to find him. One of them died."

Noah  started to walk towards them and I grabbed his arm.

"Noah no."

Daryl put a hand on his chest and pushed him back gently.

"Nah he ain't staying."

"He's one of mine you have no claim on him."

I walked up closer slightly behind Rick and Daryl.

"The boy wants to go home so you have no claim on him" I told her looking her dead in the eye.

Dawn looked at us a glazed look of anger.

"Well then we don't have a deal"

"The deal is done!"

I gripped my gun, things were getting bad.

"It-It's okay" Noah stuttered.

Rick held his hand back not even looking at Noah.

"No, no"

Noah kept walking at looked at us.

"I gotta do it."

Shit! no. He was just a kid he wanted to go home. He handed Rick the gun,

"It's not okay" Beth told us.

Noah started to walk towards Dawn.


Beth walked towards him quickly and hugged him tight. Noah did a soft chuckled and hugged her back.

"It's okay" he whispered.

It was silent and then Dawn gave a slight smirk.

"I knew you'd be back."

That's when Beth pulled  away from  Noah and walked closer to Dawn looking at her.

"I get it now."

Everything was silent and then it all happened so fast. Beth stabbed Dawn with a pair of scissors and Dawn quickly shot her. I was in shock tears streaming down my face, I watched her body fall to the floor and Dawn looked at us in shock. That's when Daryl took out his gun and shot her right in the head without even thinking twice. I knelt down next to Beth. Her pretty blonde hair now soaked in blood. I cried as I laid my forehead on hers. Everyone had their weapons cocked and ready.

"Wait hold your fire! It's over it was just about her. Stand down"

Everyone slowly lowered their guns. I looked up at Daryl who was on the verge of crying. I wanted to go to him so bad but I couldn't tear myself away from Beth. Carol came up behind him and got him to lower his gun. I laid my head back and cried cradling her body. That's when I started to be lifted up off the floor.

"Baby come on" Daryl cried.

"Oh god" I sobbed and Rick cradled me and then Carol  took hold of me.

Rick sniffled and looked at the cops.

"You can stay. We're surviving here. It's better than out there."

"No, I'm taking anyone back there who wants to leave. If you want to come with us step forward now" Rick told them.


Tears still streamed down my face as I came walking out of the hospital and that's when I noticed the others. I seen Maggie and my heart broke again when Daryl came out holding Beths body and Maggie fell to the ground sobbing. Her cries will be forever embedded in my mind.

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