How To Make Them Uncomfortable

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ISTJ:   Be Zooey Deschanel
(I didn't know who this was, so I googled her. I guess the point is that she does a LOT of things )

ISTP:   Act like you know what's best for them and then step into their life and do the thing that you think is best for them.

ESTP:   Constantly ask them questions about how they feel about things.

ESTJ:   Always make dumb jokes or goof off. Or just cry.

ISFJ:   Be an overly cocky bad boy. But eventually they'll marry you, so be prepared for that.

ISFP:   Be attractive. Now ignore them.

ESFP:   Ask "but why" to literally everything they say.

ESFJ:   Suggest a lot of obnoxiously novel ideas that obviously won't work while they're trying to make a plan.

INFJ:   Flirt with them. "You guys are always talking about how mysterious and invincible we are, but it's literally this easy."

INFP:   Start a debate with them that has decidedly nothing to do with social justice.

ENFP:   Make them do simple algebra for hours in a room with the classic strict school teacher. No doodling.

ENFJ:   Be really mean to them and then assure them that you have no sad back story.

INTJ:   Constantly make jokes while using incorrect arguments when they are trying to be serious.

INTP:   Literally just go "I am personally offended by that" to everything they say.

ENTP:   Be really controlling and close minded.

ENTJ:   Just get into a position of power over them and then be really dumb.

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