At the School Dance

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ISTJ: Ends up sitting mortified in the corner when he or she realises that all the other students are spending the entire night grinding.

ISFJ: Ends up sitting with his or her friend in the bathroom and patting their back when they're puking at the after party.

INFJ: One moment is dancing with friends and the next moment is staring off into space contemplating life's big questions.

INTJ: Realises, with an even deeper understanding than before, how idiotic the other students he or she goes to school with are.

ISTP: Decides not to go and spends the night at home alone.

ISFP: Gets completely caught up in the dancing and the music of the party. Probably can't remember most of the night the next morning.

INFP: Starts hugging all their friends and crying about the inevitable end of their high school experience together.

INTP: Is the one that needs to show their moves, as different as they may be, and just generally enjoys themselves the whole night.

ESTP: Is the one that inevitably gets kicked out for some stupid dare (like stealing one of the chaperone's wallets or jumping in the fish tank at the aquarium it's being held at)

ESFP: Finds a brightly coloured outfit, spend hours looking as attractive as possible, and makes sure to captivate everyone's attention on the dance floor with lots of flailing arms an some borderline inappropriate moves.

ENFP: The one that forgot the dance was actually happening until you picked them up at their house that afternoon. It took them about five seconds to go from "What's going on" to ready and out the door.

ENTP: Starts doing some super weird dance move which everyone thinks is crazy, but then gets into extremely long arguments with anyone who tries to tell them that.

ESTJ: Ends up trying to direct a conga line and tell the DJ what songs he or she should play.

ESFJ: Goes shopping with a group of friends, gets makeup done with other friends, rides to the dance with another group, and talks to every single student at the dance that night.

ENFJ: Wants to go back as soon as they get home. The fun! The friends! When's the next dance?

ENTJ: Accidentally makes the head of the dance committee cry by insulting her decorations.

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