ISTJ: ...Daydreams about getting a haircutISTP: ...Would really like you to Fuck Off
ESTP: ...Has a great offer you can't pass up
ESTJ: ...Just LOVES football!!
ISFJ: ...Really cares about your day
ISFP: ...Conforming to nonconformity
ESFP: ...Bunnies
ESFJ: ...Really cares that you really care about their day
INFJ: ...On some remote planet, mastering the force
INFP: ...Is saving the day somewhere
ENFP: ...Is feeling strongly about something
ENFJ: ...Showing you how to become a better you
INTJ: ...Would have seen that coming too
INTP: ...Questioning the art of questioning
ENTP: ...Has not one, but three doomsday devices
ENTJ: ...Now owns, will soon own, or is just about to own your soul
THANKS FOR READING AND VOTING GUYS!!!! I really can't express how much I appreciate the comments and votes <3