ISTJ: They volunteered to watch all the "delinquents"ISTP: Called in a false lockdown to get out of their English presentation
ESTP: Started a student rebellion at lunch. There were two food fights and three fist fights initiated by the ESTP against the teachers
ESTJ: They started yelling at their incompetent partner for their class project
ISFJ: Snuck a duckling that they found on their way to school into class because they were afraid to let it stay outside
ISFP: Snapped at a teacher who wasn't respecting their opinions
ESFP: Blasted loud music during class
ESFJ: Talking during a test to comfort a friend who was nervous
INFJ: Answered all their test questions with riddles that contemplated life, it was a math test
INFP: Started daydreaming in class and forgot to do their work
ENFP: Kept blurting out answers instead of raising their hand
ENFJ: Skipped class to see their upset friend
INTJ: Made snide remarks about how ineffective the teacher's teaching style is
INTP: Went to the library during lunch and forgot to go back to class
ENTP: Tries to debate their way into getting out of homework. This starts a long rant about the pointlessness of the assignment and ends up insulting the teacher seven times
ENTJ: Tried to teach the lesson when the teacher turned their back