Basic Stuff

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Here's so stuff about MBTI itself

Each type has a sort of 'code' thing with different two letter coordinates in different orders that mean different things. That is the best way I can describe it.

First I'm gunna list them all for each type, and then explain each "two letter coordinate" (that has got to have an actual name .-.)

ISTJ:   Si-Te-Fi-Ne

ISTP:   Ti-Se-Ni-Fe

ESTP:   Se-Ti-Fe-Ni

ESTJ:   Te-Si-Ne-Fi

ISFJ:   Si-Fe-Ti-Ne

ISFP:   Fi-Se-Ni-Te

ESFP:   Se-Fi-Te-Ni

ESFJ:   Fe-Si-Ne-Ti

INFJ:   Ni-Fe-Ti-Se

INFP:   Fi-Ne-Si-Te

ENFP:   Ne-Fi-Te-Si

ENFJ:   Fe-Ni-Se-Ti

INTJ:    Ni-Te-Fi-Se

INTP:   Ti-Ne-Si-Fe

ENTP:   Ne-Ti-Fe-Si

ENTJ:   Te-Ni-Se-Fi

As you can tell, there are 8 "two letter things" but each type only uses four. Here I'll explain what the 8 mean, and you can decide which you think you use.

Ne- Extraverted iNtuition

*Ne deals with seeing how all things in life are interrelated, and allows the user to see the world in multiple different perspectives*

*Can have a sense of idealism and the desire to want to impact the world.*

*has the ability to make obscure connections. The Ne user can take two seemingly unrelated topics and bring them together. This can also cause the user to have an off-beat sense of humor*

*People with heavy use of Ne always have a desire for things to change*

*Extraverted Intuition is always seeing possibilities. They always want to know "what could be". They are adept at understanding the external environment, but they always want to take it one step further. They wonder, "if I change this, what will happen?"*

Ni- Introverted iNtuition

*asks questions like "what's really going on here?" or "where have I felt this way before?"*

*understanding how the world works through internal intuitive analysis*

*Introverted Intuition can actually be compared very similarly with Introverted Sensing. Both take into account past events and how they unfolded. While Introverted Sensing will remember the facts and details of a past experience, Introverted Intuition will recall the essence of what happened and how events eventually played out. Ni users can take past experiences to assess a current situation, and then use this memory bank of experiences of what they sense will happen to envision whether a plan will be successful*

Ne VS Ni:
Seems to me Ni's are just more analytical while Ne's are more idealistic. Though you don't necessarily lead with one of these so you've got more to base off of than this =)

Se- Extraverted Sensing

*Se can be understood to involve a concern for the concrete events happening around us. This not only includes noticing sensory details such as sights, smells, and movements, but also things like trends, fashions, and styles.

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