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INFP edition

Some words of an INFP

-"To me life is all about the possibilities and the potential of what people and things can be. I can never drive over a bridge, or enter a building, or do anything "normal" without thinking that there is more to this moment than meets the eye."

-"From time to time, I try to take up different hobbies, but I find the one I am most consistent at is spending time with people over a coffee, or some dinner, just hearing about what they are going through."

-"I have somewhat of a low opinion of myself, which is different than a negative opinion, because I do not think bad things about myself, but rather I think I'm only a very small piece of the bigger picture of life"

Things often said to INFP's

-"you're so cute"

-"that's an... Interesting view..."

-"are you going to be okay if-?"

-"why wouldn't you have done it like this *the easier way*"

-"you look so content holding my stuffed sloth"

-"you're so nice"

-"it'll be okay"
*infp says it'll be okay back, meanwhile only questioning the okeity of the situation even more*

-"haven't we already talked about this?"

-"you're an odd one, aren't you?"

Things that aren't said to INFP's

-"Wow, wild party man!"

-"You're in charge"

-"calm down man, everyone's looking at us"

-"congratulations on getting promoted to manager!"

Random Facts/observations

-INFP individuals are one of the groups who are most likely to leave a job they are working in right now, even if it pays well, because they are constantly looking for better opportunities in the future.

-most likely type to suffer from suicidal thoughts when circumstances do not go in a direction that has been anticipated.

-tend to prefer music, art, and English studies above all other subjects.

-Male therapists are one of the largest representative demographic groups within the INFP personality profile.

-Men who suffer from chronic pain are generally not an INFP personality.

-From a professional standpoint, INFP individuals tend to work better in a clearly defined work structure, though one with a higher level of flexibility that allows for creative involvement.

-Men who are INFP typically suffer from social phobias as their preference for a feeling of focus is not seen as something "manly."

-Being a writer is one of the most common occupations for someone who fits into the INFP category.

-INFPs as a group have the second lowest occurrence of high blood pressure and heart disease out of all the personality types.

-Children who fit into the INFP category have a higher risk of having their behaviors diagnosed as being ADD because of their penchant to daydream in order to find creative solutions to problems.

-College students who have an INFP personality are one of the most likely groups to violate the school's alcohol policy.

-Bullying is at an increased risk for INFPs because appearance is about being unique and individualistic instead of conforming to social trends.

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