Responses to Hugging

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ISTJ:   I would prefer if that didn't happen, thank you

ISTP:   Is that what people do?

ESTP:   Cool. Whatever.

ESTJ:   I'm too busy

ISFJ:   I prefer not to have my person space invaded, but I will let you hug me if it makes you feel good

ISFP:   Hugs comfort the soul, cherish them

ESFP:   Do you want a hug? I'll give you a big bear hug!! Then we can throw a party!!

ESFJ:   Hugs for everyone, I don't care who you are- you're getting a hug

INFJ:   I will only hug you if we are close (which is rare) but I will let you hug me if you have to

INFP:   Oh I love hugs! They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

ENFP:   Hugs!!- Butterfly, wait- hugs again!!!

ENFJ:   Hugs are what keep us alive as a species. The act of embracing another is a sense of comfort, relief, and protection. Value it.

INTJ:   ...why?

INTP:   No

ENTP:   Only if you can beat me in a debate. If not, then see ya

ENTJ:   People do that?

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