ISTJ: Extreme right wing conservative fundamentalist dictatorsISTP: Rated R for RADICAL
ESTP: Rated R for graphic violence, profanity, nudity, and some sexual scenes
ESTJ: Strict af
ISFJ: Cutie Alert
ISFP: Emo artists
ESFP: Textbook knowledge introvert
ESFJ: Mom friend
INFJ: Magical Unicorn
INFP: Emotional cuties that must be protected at all costs
ENFP: High on nothing, but really nice and awesome
ENFJ: Sjw af (looked it up, SJW means Social Justice Warrior- seems accurate enough)
INTJ: Shiny pretty sparkly rainbow unicorn that will tell you to SHUT THE F*CK UP
INTP: Nerd.
ENTP: Honest comedians
ENTJ: CEO's who rub their achievements in everyone else's faces