Sensing vs Intuition

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Some stuff to do with Facet Poles:

Sensing vs Intuition facet poles:

Concrete vs. Abstract-

Concrete(S)- focus on tangible and literal perceptions, communications, learning styles, world view, values; trust what is verifiable by the senses and are cautious about going beyond facts

Abstract(N)- focus on concepts and abstract meanings of ideas and their interrelationships; use symbols, metaphors, and mental leaps to explain interests and views

Realistic vs. Imaginative-

Realistic(S)- prefer what is useful, has tangible benefits, and accords with common sense; values efficiency, cost-effectiveness, comfort, security

Imaginative(N)- values possibilities over tangibles and likes ingenuity for its own sake; are resourceful in dealing with new experiences and solving problems

Practical vs. Conceptual

Practical(S)- more interested in applying ideas than in ideas themselves and like working with the known and familiar; prefer modest, tangible rewards over risky opportunities for greater gain

Conceptual(N)- like knowledge for its own sake and focus on concept not application; enjoy complexity and implied meanings over tangible details; likely to take risks for large potential gains

Experiential vs. Theoretical-

Experiential(S)- trust own and others' experience as criterion for truth and relevance; learn best from direct, hands-on experience; focus more on past and present than future

Theoretical(N)- see relevance beyond what is tangible and trust theory as having reality of its own; are future oriented and see patterns and interrelationships among abstract concepts

Traditional vs. Original-

Traditional(S)- like continuity, security, and social affirmation provided by what is familiar; uncomfortable with unconventional deviations from established norms

Original(N)- value uniqueness and inventiveness to put meaning into everyday activities; believe that sameness detracts from meaning; enjoy demonstrating own originality

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