Types As Google Search

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ISTJ:   Why isn't 11 pronounced onety one?

ISTP:   I hope you get motorboated by a porcupine

ESTP:   Never put a sock in the toaster

ESTJ:   Is it illegal to dress up as batman in Australia?

ISFJ:   If you die in Canada, do you die in real life?

ISFP:   My cat looks like hitler

ESFP:   I think rhinos are just obese unicorns

ESFJ:   Can Jesus microwave a burrito?

INFJ:   What would happen if I hired two private investigators to follow each other?

INFP:   Am I a vampire?

ENFP:   I like to tape my thumbs to my hands to see what it would be like to be a dinosaur

ENFJ:   Sometimes when I'm alone I use Comic Sans

INTJ:   How to raise your IQ by eating gifted children

INTP:   Is it normal to be sexually attracted to numbers?

ENTP:   Dinosaurs were made up by the CIA to discourage time travel

ENTJ:   Sex is for making babies and revenge

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