Friend Types

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ISTJ:   The super organised friend who shows up fifteen minutes early to your hangouts and whom you'd pretty much trust with your life.

ISTP: The chill friend who goes along with anything and somehow always knows what's wrong with your computer and/or car.

ESTP: The athletic, adventurous friend who always seems to be off doing something dangerous and crazy whenever you want to hang out with them.

ESTJ: That friend who gives you incessant lectures about how you need to get your life together (and exactly how to do so) but you know it's because they care... Or at least your pretty sure they do.

ISFJ: The undyingly loyal friend who reminds you of your grandmother, but in a good way. As in, they regularly bake you cookies and are always down for a relaxing night in.

ISFP: The cool, possibly hipster friend who goes to a lot of the music festivals and likes things exactly a month before they come out.

ESFP: The friend who is down for pretty much anything, pretty much anytime, and is more fun than all your friends combined.

ESFJ: The friend who lets you live at their house for two weeks after you break up with your significant other so they can make sure your eating, sleeping, and going to work like a functioning human being.

INFJ: The friend you have to plan ahead to see (in order to give them time to mentally prepare for the hangout) but then always ends up spending hours discussing the nature of life, the universe, and everything with.

INFP: The deep introspective friend who will listen to you talk for fifteen straight hours without interruption. Of course, when they do offer advice it is incredibly on point and you have the eerie feeling that they've somehow channeled your deepest feelings and thoughts.

ENFP: The excitable yet surprisingly insightful friend who subtly gives you a pep talk every time you hang out and leaves you feeling like you could be president.

ENFJ: The wise mother hen who's there come hell or high water but isn't afraid to give you tough love if ever and whenever you need it.

INTJ: Your friend who's in MENSA... and sometimes rubs it in your face... But also has a deep fascinating mind so you're okay with it.

INTP: The friend who never initiates hanging out but is paradoxically almost always down to chill- as long as you're down to talk about science and conspiracy theories with them.

ENTP: The chaotic friend who regularly pops into your life, asks you to join them on a crazy new project or adventure, and then completely disappears for months at a time.

ENTJ: The successful and slightly bossy friend who is constantly challenging you to reach your full potential- because they see it in you even when you don't see it in yourself.

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