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(I'd stick with the bold if you don't really care that much but still want to know the differences)

I didn't realise how similar these two types really were until I did a lot of research. I've always gotten INFP and just knew I wasn't INFJ mostly because perceivers are typically very loose hippie-like people while Judgers are kinda like organised and all that. (Plus my test was like 90% perceiver) At least that's what I got from it before reading up on it.

The main thing I found between the two types is about empathy. In a comment I'd recently read on here I realised I think I read the same article they(one of them at least) had Ashley_exists spiffystud
^thanks for inspiring this chapter^

It talks about how INFP's "mirror" emotions while INFJ's "absorb" it. The first time I heard that I kinda took it a bit offensively because to say you mirror an emotion to me sounded like we don't actually feel the emotion, while INFJ's feel that emotion completely. How it sounds is not what it means. Both feel the emotions of another person completely.

INFP's understand others emotions based on how they've felt. This can make it seem like they're a bit selfish because they reference themselves to feel someone else's emotion, but it's more to understand them better and feel what they feel deeper.

INFJ's have a different specialty, where they don't need to think about the emotion, they just feel it. Being around that emotion they do absorb it so it seems less selfish, even though INFP's aren't actually selfish (at least if you're a developed INFP you're not selfish, undeveloped (immature) would probably be a different story)

The main difference in this aspect is time. INFP's can "mirror" whenever, because they're understanding emotion through their own experience, so they can take this and apply it to anything. A book character, some random scenario they just made up in their head, or the person standing right in front of them crying.

INFJ's feel others emotion when they're standing right in front of them more than they feel the emotions of a fictional character, my conclusion is because INFP's are more head in the clouds, so fantasy and reality kind of clash. INFJ's might have a harder time feeling the emotion of someone who doesn't actually exist.

This is honestly kind of complicated for me to see many differences, although I understand them when I do see them...
The rest all depends on the individual person.

-will spend long amounts of time lost in thoughts of emotion
-not quite as bold in their assertions

-don't spend as much time just thinking about emotion, though they wear their emotions very outwardly
-come across more bold in their assertions

Their views on the world in themselves are very different, as the INFP would view it very openly artistic and the INFJ would analyse the world more.

INFP's reading preference is fictional stories in which they express the human condition, relating to the struggles, the joys, the emotion.
INFJ's preference is for non fiction, as they pinpoint and understand certain occurrences. They like to observe the real world and make deductions.

Okay so you really need to know all their functions in order to read into this, even if you don't know what this means yet.

INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te
INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se

Different functions, different orders, different types.

INFP's prioritise Fi (feeling)
INFJ's prioritise Ni (iNtuition)
This is a lot, but it's kinda a BIG deal in order to tell the difference.

"Ne is like a grenade, you throw it, it gets the job done with a boom but is very messy. Ni, is like a sniper, more precise and less messy, but takes a lot longer to get the job done, and your target can be gone before you get to shoot." Aka INFP to INFJ

(INFP) Fi: all about personal values. typically making sure you are all set before you make commitments to others. Fi is very aware of what they are feeling, what is theirs, what is 'them'. Fi knows why they are feeling what they are feeling

(INFJ) Fe: about environment values. Making sure everyone is on the same page and equally set, even if it means they have to be a little bit uncomfortable to make sure everyone is in the better position.

INFJs have better leadership skills as they are known to be better at remaining objective and impersonal even with loved ones being next to strangers

INFJs love 'titling' things while INFPs may find it pretentious. Have a 'word' for every belief system, strange-sexuality, the exact hue of 'you', etc. INFJs see it as another way to organize and say many things in short. While INFPs are likely to see it as you trying too hard to seem cool/be stuck up about who you are rather than just accepting 'who you are and go with it.'

Now for my own slightly guesstimating conclusions.

Even though both types make decisions based on feeling, they both have very developed thinking from what I've seen. They both are very able to think from different perspectives.

INFJ's tend to think analytically despite the fact that they are not grouped with the analysts, because they are still idealists. Basically they're idealists who's motives are to make sure everyone's needs are met, and they do that by thinking analytically.

INFP's think from different perspectives, seeing the different feeling from each side, less of the factual details that INFJ's notice. They are true idealists and being able to see others feelings in different perspectives makes it easier for them to come out with their idealistic outcomes.

Anyways, I hope that helped you INFP/INFJ confusees.

I tried my best, but I never confused myself for INFJ so I wouldn't know as much as I'd like to know about what specifically people are confused on.

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