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so this is a short survey for all of you I'd love to hear your answers in the comments =) Don't forget to put your type!! =)

1- What was your last dream (or weirdest if that's more interesting)

2- You're house is on fire, anything living (pets/family) is safe- what do you take?

3- What's your favourite song/who is your favourite artist?

4- What do you want to do as a career when you graduate?

5- What's your favourite colour?

6- Where do you want to live when you're settled down?

7- What's one of your biggest pet peeves (or more ;) )?

8- What's your biggest fear (realistic or non, deep and feely or somethin like 'spiders', whatever comes to mind) ?

9- If you could rule your own town, what would it be like? Would anyone else be in charge, what would the values and goals of your town be?

10- If there were one day in your life you could erase, what day would it be and why?

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