ISTJ: "I can't wear different Pajama's. These are my Monday Pyjama's." -Sheldon CooperISTP: Trying to make my face look like I'm interested when in fact I'm not even listening
ESTP: "You know that we are living in a material world, and that I'm a material person"
ESTJ: "Your way?? All ways here are MY ways!!"
ISFJ: Being drawn to extroverts, but never knowing what to say around them
ISFP: When put in charge of people
ESFP: I exist solely to prove you wrong
ESFJ: You say potato. I say I love potatoes. Especially fried. Oh, you like them baked? I agree, baked is better. I'll make you some.
INFJ: Being attracted to ENFP's
INFP: Always knowing the right answer but never raising your hand (A/N soo true)
ENFP: Practicing for interviews when you're famous one day in your room by yourself
ENFJ: When you're torn between not helping someone because you don't like them and feeling guilty because it feels like you should take care of them anyway.
INTJ: Please just know that I am correct, don't argue.
INTP: I could rule the world. But I can't stick to one plan for more than 36 hours.
ENTP: Friends who don't understand my unstructured style of managing my time. Instead they just think I'm nocturnal and chuckle at how weirdly I function.
ENTJ: Hates the idea of being second in command.