Healthy vs Unhealthy INFP

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INFP Edition

I felt this was an important resurrection I never really noticed how seriously people actually took stereotypes which just sounds ridiculous to me and I guess if you blindly buy into that then it should be easy to make someone believe what I'm saying, which, is actually something accurate because there is a difference between a healthy personality and an unhealthy personality.

1) Healthy, mature INFPs can healthily express negative emotions such as grief, anger, disappointment and will not resort to passive aggression or repression. Unhealthy INFPs will internally seethe, pretend to be happy and use immature tactics to mask their feelings and then likely have a messy breakdown. A healthy INFP can use all four of their functions while and unhealthy INFP will cling to Introverted Feeling too much and have problems expressing how they feel to people who are close to them. They might even go through extreme denial and refuse to admit that there is something wrong even to themselves

2) Everything is taken personally by unhealthy INFPs. Constructive criticism will be taken as a personal attack and they will lash out, use their shadow functions and shut you down. Immature INFPs can be like hypersensitive, emotional children and get hurt by everything. They are melodramatic and overreact to anything that they perceive as hurtful. Healthy INFPs, on the other hand, know that not everything is aimed to be personal and know how to let go of things and accept and even make use of criticism. People will back away from you if you explode at everything they say so STOP taking everything so personally.

3) I have lost count of the time I have talked about our unhealthy trait of NOT KNOWING HOW TO DEAL WITH CONFRONTATION. A healthy INFP knows and accepts that arguments are a normal and healthy part of life and can gently communicate to people if there is a problem and use their capabilities to bring harmony very wisely and resolve problems. Unhealthy INFPs will see a problem, take a look if anybody is around them and then sneakily tuck the problem under their giant
what-are-you-talking-about-everything-is-fine rug and, being the introverted feelers they are, their need for harmony won't be satisfied and they will react by showing their dissatisfaction to other people in unhealthy ways.

4) The stereotype of the INFP claims that we are caring, selfless, kind unicorns that descend from heaven to be nice to people but trust me, an extremely unhealthy, immature INFP can be one of the most self absorbed, selfish, obnoxious person you will ever come across. Their cognitive functions will all be Fi, Fi, Fi, Fi and they will make everything about them, their precious values, likes and dislikes, Everyone else's opinions will be invalid and nobody else will have feelings. A healthy INFP uses Fi to discriminate between right and wrong and follow their hearts. They are kind, caring, value everyone's opinions while sticking to their own, and have more of a 'that's different from what I think' outlook instead of a 'that's wrong because it's not what I think' mindset.

5) A healthy, mature INFP that knows themselves and what they are capable of, also knows not to use their ability to manipulate/persuade others wrongly and will refuse to play with anyone' else's decisions. An unhealthy INFP is a master of emotional manipulation and will make you feel guilty for things you haven't done and lead you to believe that they are doing things that are the best for YOU. If you don't agree with what an immature INFP says, they will twist their words around and bend you until you break and agree that they are right, while a healthy INFP will firmly believe that you have a right to your own opinions and respect you for it.

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