MBTI as annoying People

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ISTJ:   Will do anything an authority figure tells them to do. Anything. Also they don't understand sensitivity, most likely to think you're weird.

ISTP:   Quietly breaks every rule because fùck you. Probably building or fixing something somewhere.

ESTP:   Dumb jock probably. Wants you to pay attention to them as they do something or fùck around.

ESTJ:   They're the boss, and they want you to follow the rules NOW!!!

ISFJ:   Disgustingly organised and dutiful. Secretly huge cry babies, but they'll never confront you if you make them upset. Never.

ISFP:   Wants their spirit to floooooow with the wind. Probably a hippie. No, definitely a hippie. Needs FREEEDOM!!!! Or they'll cry.

ESFP:   Most likely to yell "WOOOOO!!! SPRING BREAK FOREVER!!!!!" while shirtless and drinking shots off a zebra or something else obnoxious. Secretly sensitive.

ESFJ:   Probably considers themselves sensitive but they're not. They want to take care of 9,000,000 people and have most likely told you what to do before.

INFJ:   Will try to save you and everyone else in the world. Don't ever try to convince them of anything because they will never ever change their own ideals or morals.

INFP:   The most emo people alive. Seriously, so emo. They will believe in you sooo much but won't tell you because they only talk to people once every century.

ENFP:   Have worse attention spans than goldfish. Needs everyone to think they're awesome and will cry if you criticise them all.

ENFJ:   Never ask them to make a decision cause they just can't. Super exhausting because they are CONSTANTLY trying to improve something.

INTJ:   The most pretentious person you will ever meet. Also a nerd. A really really gigantic super nerd.

INTP:   Questions everything you say or do, even if they don't say it out loud. They usually won't because it takes a small army to get them to interact with people.

ENTP:   Will argue with you until you cry, and love every second of it. Most likely live by the phrase "sleep is for the weak".

ENTJ:    Evil masterminds. Most likely to keep a list of all their friends' weaknesses or marry for money.

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