Insight Into Stereotypes

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Stereotype- they're unbearably rigid and set in their ways.

Reality- though hey do enjoy the tried-and-true method above the experimental ones, many are analytical by nature. They are constantly taking in new facts and measuring them up against each other for practicality and efficiency. If a new method beats out an old one, they have no problem swapping it out and bringing on the new.

Stereotype- they're daredevil adrenaline junkies who live, breathe, and sleep extreme sports.

Reality- though they're highly sensory-oriented, their first mode of information processing is introverted thinking- meaning they're much more interested in discovering how things work than they are in simply experiencing them. Some do have a tendency towards extreme sports but others are too rational to justify the risks of such activities- they prefer staying safe over risking their livelihood at the mercy of their auxiliary function.

Stereotype- they're too impulsive to be reliable or faithful

Reality- they see what they want and go for it- which means that when your interests are aligned, nobody will be more devoted or attentive. They certainly can be impulsive, but their extroverted feeling keeps them in line with how their actions affect others, and once they make a commitment to someone they are often quite adept at seeing it through. "I don't want a relationship" means just that, but on the other hand, "I do" means "I do".

Stereotype- they're bossy know-it-all's who only want to control the people around them

Reality- though they do tend to err on the side of know-it-all-ism, they do so as a genuine attempt to help the people they care about. This type is not malicious or spiteful- they simply see the most efficient way to do something and want to share. This type actually cares quite deeply about the people they're close to and always want to help them achieve the best results possible.

Stereotype- they're neurotic and uptight, desperate to secure a partner and have a family as soon as possible.

Reality- though they do tend to be great parents, they're not in all that much of a rush. Their first function is a perceptive one (introverted sensing) which means that their feelings come second to their interests. Because they aren't Judgers, this type also isn't neurotic as a rule. On the contrary, they can have type B personalities where they are more interested in keeping the peace than getting exactly what they want.

Stereotype- they're superficial and flakey

Reality- of all the sensor types, they are perhaps the most intuitive and spiritual. They're highly observant and analytical- they're even apt to confuse themselves as intuitive types. Their minds are always reeling, constantly analysing what's going on around them and taking it to a deeper level.

Stereotype- they're shallow, one dimensional party animals who are only interested in having a good time

Reality- they're incredibly emotionally intelligent- they can dissect people's motivations and desires with incredible accuracy and employ their findings effectively. This type is highly observant and can figure out just about any system or pattern that they put their minds to- their realism works to their advantage and makes them infinitely sharper than they let on.

Stereotype- they're shallow and petty, only caring about the latest gossip and who's dating who

Reality- they lead with extraverted feeling, which mirrors the values of those around them. This means that if they are raised in an environment that values education, analytical analysis and personal growth, they will take on those values with a passion. They are only as petty as the people around them- their natural first instinct is to be supportive and inclusive to a fault.

Stereotype- they're rare snowflakes who are wildly unlike any other type and are incredibly difficult to understand.

Reality- though they are statistically the rarest type, this doesn't mean that they are the most creative or the most individualistic type. In reality they have extroverted feeling, which means they're highly in tune with social norms and value fitting in with a group above expressing their individuality.
They are statistically rare in the sense that their specific combination of cognitive functions is uncommon, but this doesn't mean they are THE misunderstood artist of the world (Again this would include INFP's and ISFP's)

Stereotype #2- they're the natural counsellors of the world, who want nothing more than to care for and nurture you

Reality- though they certainly do care for others, they can even come across as cold if you don't know them well. They lead with introverted intuition, which makes them infinitely more interested in analysing big picture problems than helping you sort out your relationship issues- they are empathetic to a fault but they'd usually rather be analysing than empathising.

Stereotype- are fragile emotional snowflakes who cannot deal with facts or hard logic

Reality- though they certainly prefer using emotion over logic, they are more than capable of getting things done when they need to. Can actually be incredibly resourceful and organised, as they will go to any lengths necessary in pursuit of what they believe is right. As a highly pensive type, they are quite focused.

Stereotype- are hyperactive social butterflies who never stop spewing off about their feelings

Reality- have intuition and thinking as their extraverted functions, meaning they're much more comfortable posing questions and debating ideas than they are talking about their feelings. They are also highly reflective and need more time alone than any other extravert.

Stereotype- are emotionally invasive and never stop probing others about their feelings

Reality- are actually quite adept at setting boundaries and respecting the privacy of others. If they are asking you highly personal questions, it's not an act of exploitation- it's because they genuinely want to help you resolve a problem and require a better understanding of where you're at in order to do so.

Stereotype- they're narcissistic know-it-all's who think that everyone else is intellectually inferior to them.

Reality- they're indisputably aware of their own intelligence, but they're also radically open minded. This type is constantly taking in new information and deciding how each new piece fits into the puzzle that they're assembling in their mind. They want to see a situation from all possible angles- which means they want to hear your take on it, even if they don't agree with it right off the bat.

Stereotype- they're emotionless and socially awkward

Reality- they're incredibly deep thinkers and correspondingly deep feelers. They are just as capable as (if not more capable than) any other type when it comes to experiencing deep emotions. They just aren't as keen to express them. In the same way, they're not socially awkward by default- they are definite introverts but they are more than capable of developing their extroverted intuition to interact with the world around them. Enjoying social interaction and being capable of it are two different things.

Stereotype- have no follow through and cannot commit to anything for the life of them

Reality- though they do flit quickly between ideas, they're highly motivated to achieve and they possess impressive follow through when they set their minds to something. They don't care for much externally imposed attention to detail but when they're self motivated to get something right, they'll cross every t and for every i until it's exactly how they imagined it.

Stereotype- they're alpha personalities who will squash or betray whoever it takes in order to get to the top

Reality- though they certainly are top dogs, they take social relationships incredibly seriously and would never want to tarnish their good name by going against their word. They can also be surprisingly sensitive when it comes to sticking up for the underdog and will often go to great lengths to ensure that they are giving fair and equal treatment to all.

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