ISTJ: The abundance of time to rest on this day... Okay, that minute has passed, now back to work!ISTP: My great skill at taking things apart, putting them back together, and understanding how they all work... You need that old computer?
ESTP: Classes that don't make me sit still and read... And adrenaline. Who's up for skydiving? Rafting?
ESTJ: The perfect thanksgiving strategy. Now, you set the table, you carve the turkey, and I'll plan the game schedule.
ISFJ: Those who appreciate my hard work, the ability to bring beauty to organisation... And my super cool p-touch labeller.
ISFP: My ability to be laid back and put others at ease, but I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone else, so please don't think that.
ESFP: The chance for everyone to get together. Now, can we get the boring part over with and get this party started?
ESFJ: Family, friends, food, and traditions... You know like turkey, parades... And amazing shoe sales on Black Friday.
INFJ: The meaning of thanksgiving... I think I shall follow the thought into the rabbit hole and see where it goes.
INFP: My knack for starting lots of amazing creative projects... I promise I'll finish them as soon as I get around to it.
ENFP: My ability to do lots of things at once and, aw look at that cute puppy... Wait, what was I saying?
ENFJ: Giving thanks! That's not scheduled until 2:35! It's time for bonding over togetherness, Turkey, and stuffing now!!
INTJ: My ability to see concepts incredibly clearly in my mind's eye... Yep,it's good to be right and know it!
INTP: My impeccable thought process...I'm going to be right when the answer comes... I see no reason to rush to it.
ENTP: Being able to come up with the right ideas, can I get someone to carry them out for me so I can keep brainstorming?
ENTJ: Thankful? I'll have time for thankful when my vision has come to pass. Let's make it happen! Who's with me?