Who The Types Go For

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Who they usually go for:
The "it" girl/guy type. Usually within your circle of friends because you're afraid to be seen with anyone else that isn't considered socially acceptable. The one that a majority of your peers agrees is smoking hot, and their jealous approval makes you feel like you've achieved something.

Who they should go for:
The one who sees past your reputation. The one who, by some miracle or moment off-guard, you've revealed yourself to. Someone who knows you're actually a real softie, and are a lot more clueless than you're leading on. Someone who doesn't believe in the status quo and in turn, liberated you from it too.

Who they usually go for:
The one that looks just as nonchalant as you are. You'll establish from the start that you're not looking for anything serious, or heavy. So someone that has the same intentions is ideal. Until they get too clingy and start demanding more of you, at which point, you will make a run for it. Because unlike them, you actually mean it when you say "no strings attached"

Who they should go for:
The honest one. The one who's upfront at every point about their intentions and feelings for you, regardless of whether they will scare you away. Someone who gives you equal amounts of affection and personal space, and knows you well enough to know exactly when you need which.

Who they usually go for:
The naive one. Or anyone that gives you the pleasure of responding to your impulsive cries for attention. Typically, you go for the one who looks at you like you're a superstar. Because they fall for all your attempts at showing off, and that makes you feel good for about five seconds.

Who they should go for:
The smart one who calls you out on all your bullshit. Someone who bothers to ask why you do the things you do and encourages you to think before you act. Someone who digs deeper until they find the ugly stuff that you hide behind all the shiny stuff. And still stays.

Who they usually go for:
The docile one. The one who doesn't mind you making all their decisions for them. You prefer your "arguments" to be one-sided and not to be talked back to when you're clearly right. You go for the submissive one, who you know would never say no.

Who they should go for:
The one who says no. The one who supports and reassures you, but keeps you grounded at the same time. Someone who takes their turn wearing the pants in the relationship, and let's you know when you've crossed the line. Someone who is 100% sure of who they are so they won't get lost in loving you.

Who they usually go for:
The non committer. You go for the one who is just wrapping their head around the idea of bringing you over for Christmas dinner when you're already thinking of baby names. Why? No one knows. Maybe you just like feeling ten steps ahead emotionally in every relationship. Or maybe you care so much that it makes up for how little they care in return.

Who they should go for:
The one who balances you out. The one who doesn't make you feel like they need to catch up, but rather, that you should slow down. Someone who is not in a rush to fall in love, but will be beside you- not behind you- every step of the way.

Who they usually go for:
No one. You don't go for anyone. Not because you're extremely lazy and laid back (which you are), but because you genuinely aren't interested. And even if you are, you'll let these alien feelings simmer down until they eventually go away, so you can revert to your care-free self.

Who they should go for:
The one who penetrates your little bubble. Someone who understands where your mind is at when it's not with them, and won't get mad at you for being "uninvolved" or "passive".

Who they usually go for:
Anyone and everyone that catches your eye. You leave no crevice unexplored. You're quick to pickup on immediate attraction and interest, and even quicker to act on it. But this also means: you're quick to drop it once the initial attraction fades. You're also not a stranger to juggling more than one date at a time.

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