ISTJ: Because they can't count on you for anythingISTP: Because you never want to try anything new
ESTP: Because you never want to go outside
ESTJ: Because you publicly humiliated them
ISFJ: Because you belittled their emotions
ISFP: Because you said something they created was stupid
ESFP: Because you're a complete and total buzzkill
ESFJ: Because you never go anywhere with them
INFJ: Because you made them feel like their emotions were invalid
INFP: Because they think you're being fake
ENFP: Because they think YOU hate THEM
ENFJ: Because you just can't see their point of view
INTJ: Because you're an idiot
INTP: Because you keep asking them why they look so upset
ENTP: Because you made them feel really stupid
ENTJ: Because you suck at life