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Heyyy =) all of these are pretty scary for me, voting and commenting is appreciated =)

ISTJ:   Was trying to meet a major deadline... I kept asking my boss what the project goal was and all he would say was "Just do something" despite my pleas for details

ISTP:   Had to watch people complete tons of processes incorrectly or be shot... Then I realised it was a dream, said "screw this", and woke myself up

ESTP:   Got diagnosed with a disease that would make any adrenaline rush kill me. I couldn't do anything but sit and stay as bored as possible

ESTJ:   Tried to hire a team to work on a really important project and everyone I interviewed was a total slacker who wouldn't follow a single direction

ISFJ:   Walked through a hundred rooms and in each one everyone was angry with each other and fighting... They even yelled at me for being too organised!

ISFP:   Moved to this place where everyone was rude, uptight, loud, and constantly yelling about setting deadlines, writing reports, and finishing work NOW!! Chill, people

ESFP:   Received a letter in the mail stating that all social engagements from now on are cancelled, and people had to stay in their own houses at all times.

ESFJ:   Read in the newspaper that, due to political correctness, all holidays and traditions were deemed immoral and illegal, no celebrating allowed

INFJ: Kept trying to refine a piece of work and each time I tried to improve it, it got worse, no matter what I tried, it kept getting further from perfection

INFP:   Was in a place that was just black and white with no creativity in it at all, and insisted that all people be as similar as humanly possible. Individuality not allowed

ENFP:   Completely lost the ability to interact with other people in any way except for facial expressions... No talking, listening, writing, or even sign language! Bummer

ENFJ:   Was threatened into become a member in a commune that did not allow speaking, music, or any noise of any kind... And... They held mandatory meetings on the fly! No schedule!!

INTJ:   Was taped to a chair at a lecture of speaker who were the worst in their fields, but thought they were the best. And I couldn't speak to argue!!

INTP: Became locked in a room with every stupid person I've ever met, and they were all telling me their bad ideas at the same time while coming towards me with glazed eyes

ENTP:   Got sentenced to solitary life in prison for trying to debate a federal law that made fighting, arguing, or debating in any form completely illegal

ENTJ: Came up with the greatest idea ever, that required many people to carry out, but could suddenly only write and speak in a completely unknown language

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