ISTJ: You get up at 4 am to milk themISTP: You get up at 4 am to ride them
ESTP: You eat one then go drinking
ESTJ: You plow the fields, dust the crops, feed the pigs, rebuild the barn, then come back and yell at the cows because they're still just standing there
ISFJ: You plan out all of their activities for the rest of the week
ISFP: You sit in a tree and draw them
ESFP: You use them as props in your one man production of Hamlet
ESFJ: You paint them both blue then get angry because they looked better before
INFJ: You imagine they're both in love and cry with joy
INFP: You imagine they're both lonely and cry with sadness
ENFP: You get them to tell you their life stories
ENFJ: You spend the rest of the day trying to hug them both at the same time
INTJ: You break them down and use their parts to build robots
INTP: You sit for days thinking of how much better they'd be if they were castles
ENTP: You convince them it's a privilege to whitewash your fence for you
ENTJ: You hire them as secretaries
What would you do if you had two cows O.o ?