Optimism vs Pessimism

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Optimist: The Glass is half full

Pessimist: The Glass is half empty

ISTJ:   *too busy to notice the glass is even there*

ISTP:   *tries to use the glass as a bong*

ESTP:   "I AM the glass"

ESTJ:   "The glass needs to get back to work"

ISFJ:   *Guards the glass all day long to make sure no one takes it*

ISFP:   "Oh my goodness, what a beautiful glass! Such crystal clear water! You go, glass"

ESFP:   *Waits until no one is looking, then throws glass against the wall for shits and giggles*

ESFJ:   "The glass looks so lonely sitting there by itself"

INFJ:   "Glass, I know we don't always get along, but I'll always be here for you" *hugs glass and cries*

INFP:   "Glass, I have given you EVERYTHING!! WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME??" *cries*

ENFP:   *puts yellow food colouring in water because clear isn't happy enough*

ENFJ:   *refills glass* "I'm such a nice person"

INTJ:   "The glass contains roughly .13 litres of dihydrogen monoxide, possibly with a few small impurities that are undetectable to the naked eye"

INTP:   "The glass is invading my personal space. I see it sitting there silently judging me every second of the day."

ENTP:   "F*cking glass thinks it's better than me." *pours water out*

ENTJ:   "Okay who drank half of my water I am going to F*CKING KILL YOU"

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