Thoughts Before Falling Asleep

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ISTJ:   Nothing, they just passed out around the same time as usual because they actually got shit done today and they're exhausted

ISTP:   Probably can't fall asleep until they've solved whatever thing they've been fiddling with all day- tries to logically determine the most comfortable position. Cannot.

ESTP:   This is a comfortable position, scratchy sheets, weird lights from the window, should I get up and fix it? Yes, of course. Can't get back to that comfortable position.

ESTJ:   They threatened their brain into silence at exactly 11:30 pm as they do every night.

ISFJ:   Literally every detail from the movie the just watched. Gets the song from the credits stuck in their head.

ISFP:   Anxiety over the joke they told at work today, was it in poor taste? What if it offended INFP?

ESFP:   Existential angst because they've become too aware of their own body.

ESFJ:   Upcoming birthdays, remembers they haven't called their mom in almost two days and feels extremely guilty, bitter thoughts about that dick move Jan pulled the other day.

INFJ:   Anxiety about the future and the inevitability that they will grow old and become corrupt, another cog in the capitalist machine. How many will be consumed in this entirely hypothetical hedonistic warpath? The INFJ does not sleep.

INFP:   That thing that really affected them and the song they're gunna write about it.

ENFP:   Bright colours and anxiety, wonders if they could flash a morse code message to their neighbour, thinks about the meaning of loneliness.

ENFJ:   What that person meant when they said that thing and how to now approach that person in light of this thing. Wonders what their own response to the thing says about them.

INTJ:   Reads the ENTP's mind and successfully distills the mess down to one idea that they quickly discard as absurd, falls asleep grumbling about inefficiency.

INTP:   Rapidly tumbles into a well of circular logic (à la "this sentence is a lie") that they cannot rationalise their way out of. Suddenly remembers that really weird sound they made with their mouth in class today and prays no one heard.

ENTP:   An orgy of noise and static that were apparently brilliant ideas, but they pass out before they can write them down, so we'll never know.

ENTJ:   Sensible things, mortgages, tax evasion, definitely figures out a way to exploit the system, just an idea of course, writes it all down.

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