ISTJ: The fact that they have step by step instructions on how to judge and criticise youISTP: The fact that they will be mindlessly passive unless you have mechanical parts they can fix or push them off a cliff so they can get an adrenaline rush
ESTP: The fact that they get you excited for some life-changing project or promise, then get bored of it by the next day
ESTJ: The fact that they will preach about the same thing in 20 different ways just to make sure you really get it
ISFJ: The fact that they passively aggressively guilt trip you to oblige their micromanagement of how many grains of rice you should eat per meal
ISFP: They're Scatterbrained, carefree hippies one minute, obnoxious emotional turmoil the next
ESFP: The fact that Everything is about having fun. Just went bankrupt? Don't worry, let's go get drunk and have fun!
ESFJ: They'll Tell you back stories of people you don't know so they can gossip about them too you
INFJ: The fact that they secretly meddle in your affairs because they know what's good for you more than yourself
INFP: The fact that they demonstrate their high moral standards by being a proudly victimised emo
ENFP: The fact that they justify being emotionally manipulative as charming, but it's okay because they're authentic
ENFJ: The fact that they keep their nice smiley face on as they manipulate you to do their bidding- but don't worry, 'it's all for the greater good'
INTJ: The fact that they never have time for you because they're always 'busy' with 'work' (no matter what their definition of work is) and don't argue because they're always right
INTP: The fact that they can't remember anything about anyone because all available space in their brain is taken up by video game lores
ENTP: The fact that they always have a backup convincing bullshit for when you call out their convincing bullshit
ENTJ: The fact that they have a holier than thou superiority complex and treat everyone like pawns