Chapter 1

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Evelyn wondered the palace grounds in search of a bird...a very specific bird. A phoenix, he Phoenix in fact.

Her father had sent a message to King Oropher. Her father had been awaiting their arrival for days now and was growing anxious. So he sent Evelyn's Phoenix to King Oropher, hoping to receive a response from him.

So she waited and waited for her beloved friend, Featä. But there was no sign of her anywhere. Not even on the horizon. So Evelyn took a small boat across the lake and onto the lush forest. She knew that when Featä would be chased by hunters, she would hide in the sacred tree until they were gone. Thinking that Featä was hiding, Evelyn followed the secret path that lead to the sacred tree.

Once she made it there, it had begun to get dark, she knew she had to hurry, for her father hadn't known that she had left the palace. And he was never going to find out, for if he did, dark things would follow.

Lighting a lantern, she held it high, searching the tree. She didn't want to call out for Featä, for if someone where to overhear, they would surly find the tree and hunt her beautiful friend. And even though she hated climbing in the dark, she had to know if Featä was hiding.

The higher she climbed, the easier it was to hear the rustling leaves in the hollow tree..Featä was up there.

"Featä its me, Evelyn...I'm not a hunter so please don't attack when I reach the top.." she whispered, but there was no response from her beloved friend, just more rustling. By this time, Evelyn was unsure about if it truly was Featä or not.... "Featä?" Evelyn reached up to the hollow hole in the tree and set her lantern on a near by branch. It wasn't exactly easy to see so she pulled herself up, standing on her tipy toes. She reached higher and higher, until she was barely there....


The Elven horn was blown, signifying that they were near by. But it startled Evelyn, she had no idea what would happen..until she heard a crack then a snap, and down she went! tumbling down, hitting each branch along the way. Once the speed of her fall faltered, she plopped on the ground, into a spiky bush.

Ignoring the pain, Evelyn sprang from the leaves and dashed towards shore, just hoping that maybe, just maybe, they weren't here yet. Once she reached shore,s he looked on towards the bridge...they weren't there. This confused her, so she paddled home like her life depended on it..and then she was because her life did depend on..her father probably found out....

When she got to shore, there was a guard waiting there for her...not her father. It was Areth.. He came up to her and helped her out of the boat.

"I knew you had gone.." he started

"You will not tell my father this...?"


"And why not?"

"Because I know you were just looking for your bird and not going off on some mischief adventure." she nodded, wondering how on earth he knew about why she went off on her own. But she thought some things were better left unsaid. "Did you find her?" he asked. she shook her head, Featä had never been gone so long...

From then on, Evelyn started to get worried. The last Phoenix ever known had chosen her. Many wanted to hunt phoenixes because they're rare. It was always dangerous for Featä to fly out without her.  She feared for her safety. Even though she was the last Phoenix, the bird refused to leave Evelyn's side. She had tried to free the bird, but it never left. But now that she was gone, it made Evelyn feel uneasy.

"Evelyn!!!!" Her father roared, snapping Evelyn's train of thought. Quickly, she got up and ran to her father. She wondered if he would ask why there were thorns in her hair and scratches on her face

"Yes father?" she hoped he wouldn't notice

"The guards have spotted them on the horizon. They will be approaching the bridge soon.  Go get ready. We will be eating as soon as they arrive."  she nodded and turned, but her father caught her arm and spun her around to face him.

"What in Middle Earth happened to you!?"


"You went out to the groves again! Didn't you!?"

"Father you don't understand! I-"

"You insolent girl!!!!!!"

It all happened so moment I'm facing him and the next, I'm on the floor. I felt a stinging sensation on my face...he slapped me!!!!?? He didn't even let me explain!!

"You will get ready and say hello, you will not eat or dine with our guests tonight, you will go straight to bed! Do you understand!?"


Evelyn ran upstairs to change into a navy blue dress with jewels and slipped on some flats. She walked to the mirror and dabbed a warm cloth over her scratches and her sore face. Her face was painted with red on one side and milky white on the other....she didn't understand why he wouldn't let her explain...she sighed, this wasn't the first time he had hit her. She had gone to the groves before and it always resulted with the same outcome. Why did he hate it when she went out alone!?

This was mainly the only thing that Evelyn wished to change in her life. She had always thought that her hated her for some unknown reason. She hated herself because she thought her father hated her. And right now, was one of those times. She couldn't resist the urge to....she had to...she needed to...

She ran back to her mirror and took out her mini dagger and held it firm in her palm...she sat down on one of the stools and lifted her dress up to her thighs. She observed the other cuts on her legs, ones that have begun to heal. And she placed the blade on her thigh and just pressed down, sliding it across her leg. Tears streamed down her face, not because the pain in her was because of the pain in her heart.....but she didn't want to think about her suffering. The King and the Prince...

She didn't know how to respond to their arrival. Evelyn had met King Oropher and his son, Prince Thranduil a few times before. The last time they were together, was ten years ago. Both elves were young, about in their mid 1000's. (but they looked about eighteen or nineteen) She didn't remember much about the King or the Prince. The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became.

"Evelyn!!!" she heard heard her father call, she flinched at the sound of voice and dropped the dagger on the floor. It made the loudest sound ever for something so small. She scurried across the floor for the dagger and threw it back into the cabinet.

"Just a moment!!!" She stood up, but winced from the pain. Sucking up the pain, she continued on walking out the door and down the stairs.

Thranduil's POV

"She'll be just a moment.." Lord Huron assured us, leading us to the great dining hall to eat, but we were interrupted by a small voice.

She did in fact come down the stairs. But she was limping. I noticed that blood trickled down her leg. Her face was all sweaty and she looked sick. But under all of that she was beautiful.

"Hello my Lord and Prince. Welcome to our castle." She smiled "unfortunately, I am feeling a little under the weather. I won't be joining you for dinner tonight. But enjoy your stay none the less." She said, bowing. I watched as she limped upstairs, trailing blood everywhere.

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