Chapter 4

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Evelyn's POV

My hair was blown in my face and blocking my view of the sunrise. Instinctively, I tucked it behind my ear. I could see everything clear now. I looked around at the beautiful scenery, but as my eyes scanned the ground, there was an person standing there. My heart was caught in my throat, as I let out a bloodcurdling scream. Everything happened so fast, one moment I'm in the tree screaming, and the next, I'm falling. The last thing I remember, was the icy water engulfing my body.

I leap out if the freezing water, letting out yet another scream. The water was so cold, it made my fingers numb. It was early morning and the sun hadn't completely come out yet. The parts of the land that had been untouched by the sun, still lingered with cold. My breathing was heavy, I could see my breath lifting into the sky. I wrapped my arms around myself to keep myself from shivering, but it was no use.

I looked over my shoulder and I could see Prince Thranduil running over to me, taking off his cloak and robes. I couldn't hear anything, there was a loud ringing in my ears. I then realized that I had hit my head pretty hard.

His hand shook my shoulders and I looked up at him. He seemed so worried and scared, he was speaking, but I couldn't understand him. He then took off my drenched cloak and replaced it with his robes...they still had his warmth. I furrowed my brows at him, I shook my head, trying to explain that I couldn't hear him..I couldn't even hear myself. But the throbbing in my head got worse. Black patches began clouding my sight, I blinked a few times, but the more I blinked the more..the black patches appeared.. Soon everything faded away.


Evelyn had lost consciousness, slowly she began slipping out of Thranduil's arms. But he wasn't allowing that, he tightened his grip before she reached the ground, holding her head forward.

"I'm so sorry Evelyn..." he whispered, even though he knew she couldn't hear him. Her breathing was so calm and steady, Thranduil couldn't help but smile down at her. He noticed that her face looked a bit pale. Slowly he reached down and cupped her cheek, instantly his smile grew ten times brighter. He had never realized how smooth her skin was, it made red creep up on his cheeks.

Standing up , he walked over to Terron. He politely bent down so that Thranduil could hop on safely, without dropping Evelyn. He held her protectively in his arms, making sure she wouldn't slip from grasp.

Just as Thranduil reached for the reins, there was a loud gasp. He looked down to see that Evelyn had woken up.

She had forgotten what had happened and who had knocked her out cold. She didn't even recognize The Prince, as he held her in his arms. In defense she tried fighting out of his grip, but he wouldn't let go. But she wiggled around so much that he couldn't keep his balance on Terron's back. And the two went sliding off the giant elk and landed with a huge grunt.

"Let me go!" She screamed. And even though they had fallen, Thranduil kept his secure grasp around Evelyn.

"Evelyn! Evelyn! It's me! Thranduil!" He tried to explain to stop her screaming
Eventually she stopped and just stared at him.

"Thranuil?" She asked opened eyed about how close she was to him. She soon realized that she was fine and that Thranduil had his arms wrapped securely around her. Evelyn felt something in her chest. Her heart skipped beats every so often. She steadied, knowing she wasn't being kidnapped. And for a moment, the adrenalin she had felt, faded away.

She looked up at him. It was like her eyes had been ensnared by his. Those piercing, blue electrifying eyes. They were beautiful, almost icy blue. She couldn't stop staring into them. But then she realized that he too, were lost in her eyes. And she could feel his heart beating in his chest.

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