Chapter 7

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The two rowed back to the opposite shore of the castle. They were silent the entire time, none of them even said a word. Although Evelyn had been pretty brave about the whole situation with the Prince, she still couldn't stop picturing the image. The image of the Prince holding her in his arms whilst she look up at his icy eyes. Red warmth crept up on her face as she thought about this, she was most grateful that she wasn't facing him. She wondered what he was thinking about the whole thing. Did he feel the same or the complete opposite??? This confused her and made her heart swell, it was something she'd never felt before in a long time.

When they reached shore, both of them stood up and stepped out of the boat. But Evelyn tripped trying to get out of the boat and she fell into the familiar embrace of the Prince. She wanted to be held like that forever, but she knew it wasn't her place. He helped her out of the boat and she whispered a small "thank you" avoiding his eyes. Thranduil was confused, why was she able to look him in the eyes????

Evelyn began her small journey to the tree, leaving the Prince standing there looking as oblivious as ever. She knew he wasn't following, for she didn't hear his foot steps.

"Evelyn...where are you going???" Thranduil asked in a rather confused manner

She really didn't want to turn all the way around and tell him, but she wasn't going to ignore him. Instead, she stopped, turning her head slightly and looking down.

"I'm going to meet Featä...follow me if you so wish. If not, take the boat back....Ill find another way back." And began walking again, but this time she did hear his footsteps. It was clear he was coming.

Thranduil looked around and their surroundings made him uncomfortable. The inside of the forest seemed dead, all the plants and trees were colored black. It seemed sick, as if a disease was upon it. He wondered how she could enjoy visiting a place like this all of the time. It confused him how healthy the forest looked from afar. But looks can be deceiving.

"Where are we going?" He asked but she didn't reply. He had no idea how much she wanted to, but she couldn't.

They came upon a cave covered in weeds and other sorts of dead plants. Inside the cave was pitch black and he noticed her reach for something. Instantly she lit a candle and lifted a lantern above her head.

"This way." She whispered....still not looking him in the eyes. Quickly he followed, for she carried the light and he didn't want to be stranded in the dark.

Thranduil noticed how the walls of the cave were painted with beautiful images of animals and scenery. And in every picture, there'd be an image of a girl. He could only assume it was her, but he couldn't be sure.

Slowly they reached the end of the cave and Thranduil could see the light at the other end. Evelyn blew out the candle and placed he lantern down. She then pulled the dead weeds and vines away, revealing something extraordinary.

It was a valley. With lush green grass and tall trees. There was a waterfall the fell into a large pool and that large pool. And in the center of the valley stood a tall tree where a something glistened. When he looked back down he saw a herd of horses rush towards Evelyn, who stood about fifty feet away.

He feared she would get trampled, but they all halted when the leader reached her. He was a big black stallion who's nostrils flared and had fire in his eyes. She put her hand out to him and he let her pet his muzzle. He then bent down for her and she hopped onto his back. She whispered something into his ear and he trotted over to Thranduil. When he got close he bowed to him, as if he knew he was the Prince of Mirkwood. It amazed him how intelligent this horse was.

Thranduil noticed Evelyn smile, but she wasn't looking at him, she looked down at her hands. He then realized that he was staring at her too long and he averted his eyes.

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