Chapter 26

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Evelyn's POV

"So what's he like?" One of the girls asked

"Like as a person?" She nodded

"Well, he stubborn I'll tell you that much. But he's very kind and really protective. He'll do anything for you. He's always there when you need him. And we've known each other for an eternity."

They all sat there wide eyed at what I said. Most of them didn't know what real love was. They were all engaged to be married to other nobles and such. Evelyn couldn't imagine what it was like not marrying for life.

"I love your dress, it's absolutely stunning! Where did you get it from?"

"Oh this? It was specially made by Thranduil himself."

"Wow! He's good! It's so beautiful!"

"Yes...he's very talented." I smiled

Speaking of Thranduil. He disappeared sometime during her conversation. I looked around for him, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I stood up to look for him, but I bumped into someone in the process

"Oh! I'm so sorry-" it was Thranduil "there you are." I smiled

"Evelyn..would you care to dance with me?" I stood frozen like an idiot. I didn't know how to dance. Was he crazy!? I wasn't going to say no.


He took m hand and led me to the dance floor. Many had been dancing already and others were dancing alone. They all seemed into it. I just hoped they wouldn't notice us. I was terrible at dancing.

"Thranduil...I can't dance." I whispered, he smiled

"It's alright, I'll show you."

He placed one of my hands on his shoulder and I held his my other. And with his free hand, he placed on my hip. Oh dear, I seriously didn't know how to do this.

"Now, I'm going to step forward, so you'll step backward. And when I step to the side, you'll do the same. Then you step forward and I'll step  backward. It'll go in a cycle." I nodded

And wasn't that bad actually. It really was just all of that. It was fun. After a little while, I didn't feel like a clumsy fool. I was doing alright.

We danced to the rhythm of the music and Thranduil twirled me around, picked me and dipped me. I got so scared, I thought I was going to fall for a second. But then I realized that he'd never let me fall.

"Thranduil...don't do that."

"Why not?" He chuckled

"Because that scared the life out of me."

3rd person

Evelyn hadn't realized it, but everyone had been watching them the whole time. They all formed a circle and had their attention fixed on them two. Thranduil prayed Evelyn wouldn't notice until after. After this....

Thranduil twirled her around once more before dipping her ever so gracefully. But this time he leaned in, kissing her lips gently. Something that Thranduil longed for. It was something that Evelyn longed for even more. They had their eyes closed, and Thranduil brought her back up. And Evelyn had wrapped her her arms around his neck, prolonging the kiss. Sparks flew and the warmth between them grew more and more. Until finally they pulled apart, catching their breaths. They were going to continue, but the second they pulled apart, the entire crowd started cheering and screaming.

Thranduil expected that. But Evelyn was completely oblivious. She jumped at the sound of their cheers. She could see Oropher in the back, sitting on his throne. He was clapping for them.

"Oh my..." She sighed looking up at Thranduil

"Isn't it wonderful. They approve of us. I don't need their approval of course, but I told you they love you."

"I suppose." Evelyn hid her face in embarrassment. This was not what she expected at all.

"Evelyn why do you hide your beautiful face from me?"

"I don't want you to see how badly I'm blushing."

"Trust me, I don't mind." His voice silky. He pulled her hands away and leaned forward, kissing her again. He could feel her smiling against his lips, that only made him kiss her more.

"Thranduil get a room!" One of his cousins yelled. They stopped momentarily, but kept on dancing.

A slow song played and the two slowed their pace. It was so beautiful, Evelyn was getting lost in the music. She put her head on Thranduil's chest, but continued dancing.

"Are you getting sleepy?" Thranduil questioned

"No, but I am getting a tad bit tired. May we sit down?"

"Of course Evelyn...why didn't you say so before?" His voice was shaky. What was wrong with him??

They walked over to the table and Evelyn drank some water. But Thranduil fiddled with the small box in his pocket. He was getting very nervous and she could tell.

If he was ever going to make a move, it'd be now.


"Yes?" She smiled

"Can I speak with you? Outside?"

"Of course."

Thranduil took her to the garden where they shared their first official kiss. And he had her sit down on the stone bench near the roses. But he stood standing.

"Um...Evelyn....There's something I've been.."

He couldn't get the words out for some reason.

"You've captivated my heart Evelyn...I love you so much. You complete me. And that's why I need to do this...." Evelyn stared confusingly at him. She noticed him reach in his pocket for something

"Evelyn Nimmieth Thorne..." He started, getting down on one knee, pulling out a ring. Her heart raced and tears began to fill her eyes
"Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" She sobbed, as he slid the beautiful ring on her finger.

Thranduil's heart was pounding in his chest. All of the fear of rejection soon dissipated. He leaned down, cupping Evelyn's cheeks and have her the most meaningful kiss ever. Soon it became more, he kissed her more and more passionately. He pulled her closer to him and she ran her fingers through his silky hair.


Evelyn and Thranduil pulled apart instantly. Those were the bells. The signal that the kingdom was being invaded. And from afar, they could hear the bloody screams of the Oropher's people.

CLIFF HANGER. I'm sorry to do this to you guys. So they're engaged *eyebrows dance* I know it's short, but it's good. I think. I hope you enjoyed it. Love you
Xoxoxo -Natalia

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