Chapter 2

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Later that night.........

Evelyn went up to her room, limping in pain. She had no idea that she was trailing blood all over the place..she hated being that way in front of made her feel weak on the inside. She scrambled to her bed side and just fell apart...she sobbed into her pillow and tried to comfort her throbbing leg, but nothing was working. She had cut too deep and she needed something to help with the pain.

Featä hopped onto the bed and wobbled over to her leg, she gave out a little hissing noise, as if to say that Evelyn shouldn't have done that, which was true.

"I know I know!!! But you should've been here earlier! Father hit me! I was a mess and, ugh!" she threw a pillow over her head and muffled some phrases in elvish. Momentarily, her soft muffles turned into quiet sobs, and those quiet sobs turned into hysterical crying.

Though, she didn't know that her soft cries were being over heard just outside the door. For there stood a young elf prince, standing there quietly.


Thranduil had grown rather full from his meal and a bit tired from listening to his father and Lord Huron talking. He sat there quietly, contemplating whether or not to get up and leave or to stay and die of boredom. Finally, he came to a decision...he would leave and find his chambers.

"Its been a long night and I've grown rather sleepy. Father, may I be excused?" he asked, pretending to act sleepy

"Don't look to me, look to Lord Huron, you are a guest in his house."

Thranduil turned to Lord Huron and asked for his permission to leave. He nodded his head and dismissed the young prince.

"There should be a servant waiting outside the door for you, she'll show you the way to her chambers."

Thranduil left, and he did in fact find a young servant girl awaiting his presence outside.

"You must be Prince Thranduil..." she curtsied "I will show you the way to your chambers." she said sheepishly. He notice her face color with pink...he got that a lot, especially back home. Even here all the maids do the same thing.

As they began to approach the stairs, the two noticed the trail of blood that lead to the top of the stairs. Oh right, Evelyn..her leg..Though Thranduil knew well, who's blood it was, he didn't say anything. The maid's face flushed and turned rather pale. She rushed behind Thranduil and pulled up the end of his robes, so that they wouldn't drag in the blood.

"Please excuse the mess.." she stammered

"Its quite alright.." he tried hiding the worry in his voice, he knew that her leg was badly injured, yet he couldn't do anything out of the ordinary in front of the maid.

When they reached the top, the maid set his robes down and lead him to his chambers,still following the trail of blood. She stopped right across the hall to where the blood trail had lead to.

"Here you are.." she said walking into the room and showing him where everything was. "If you need assistance, just call, someone is bound to be in the halls." Thranduil smiled and nodded, and with that the maid left him.

Evelyn.....even though he hadn't seen the princess in a long while..he still felt like he knew her...Sure there was a lot to catch up on especially now that they're all grown up. He felt a little awkward speaking to her, he pitied her, yet never showed his pity. She'd probably keep to herself most of the time that he was here, and that pained him. The little girl he remembers, may not remember as much as him.

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