Chapter 29

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Thranduil reminded in his room for the remaining week. Evelyn would bring him food and give him company. When she'd go to see him, they didn't really speak. Thranduil would just wrap his arms around Evelyn and sit there on the bed.

During this entire week, with the time not spent with Thranduil, she spent with Siren. And today they would go to an open field to fly for the first time.

"'s not a good idea to fly without the saddle." Siren warned

"Oh come on! How bad can it really be?"

"You'll go flying off.."

"I'm not going to fall."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Evelyn couldn't wait to touch the sky. Siren let down one of her strong wings for Evelyn to get on and when she was finally comfortable, she began walking.

"There going to be lots of wind blowing in your face. You probably wont be able to see until we get to a steady level."

"Come on let's do this."

Siren knew what was going to happen. And Evelyn would regret getting cocky with her. But how else are lessons taught?

"You asked for this. Just remember."

Siren spread her wings out wide and held them up before pushing them down.

"are you sure you want to go through with this?"

"Yes yes yes. Let's go. Come on Siren."

With one great push of the ground, Siren was in the air so fast, Evelyn couldn't even process that she was in the air. Siren wasn't wrong the wind did push. It was so strong that it pushed Evelyn off of Siren's back and the poor girl was hanging on for dear life.

"Ssssiiiirrrennn!" Evelyn yelled all the way from the back, hanging on to her tail "I'mmm ssslllippping!"

"Just hold on I'll-"

But she couldn't even finish. For Evelyn couldn't hold on any longer and had let go of her tail.

Evelyn's POV

"Ahhhhhh ohhhhhh myyyyy godddddd! SSSIIIRRREEEENNN!!!!!!"

Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. One minute I'm one Siren's back and the next, I'm falling through the air. But then everything went to as it should be.

I was falling so fast, I couldn't  stop flipping through the air. It was making me nauseous.

"SIIIRREEEN!!!!!" I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the end, but a voice in my head kept on telling me to keep them open. It was Siren.

When I opened them, I saw her. She was flying side by side with me. Both of us falling at the same speed. It calmed me down, knowing that she was close. It almost made me forget that I was falling to my doom.

"Stop flipping."

"What! How!?"

"Just stay calm. Stop fighting, just relax and let yourself fall. Don't try and prevent it, just let go."

So I tried to stop myself from flipping and it just wasn't working. So I just let myself fall. Later, I wasn't flipping, it was more like just falling through the air.

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