Chapter 19

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Evelyn's POV

Later that day, some maids came in to drop of some leather pants and a battle tunic. I guess it's what the guards wear, but there aren't many elleth guards so finding these must've been a pain. But they fitted me well. It was a green tunic with a leather chest binding. And leather cuffs with matching brown boots. The chest binding had all sorts of pockets for daggers and other small weapons. My belt had a compartment for a sword and on the back had room for two large daggers. Even he boots had tiny pockets for daggers. The entire outfit was basically a storage for weapons.

One of the maids did my hair. They tied a few strands on the side of my head into little braids. And there were two braids at the top that fell behind my head. All the braids met in the center of the back of my head. It was beautiful, they said it'd keep my hair out of my face during battle. Smart. It was beautiful, my hair has never been this way before. I liked it.

There was a knock at my door. And I turned away from my mirror.

"Come in!" I said admiring my hair

Thranduil walked in. And he stopped right in front of me. He looked at me up and down.

"I didn't recognize you..Evelyn..." He seemed like he had more to say, but he wasn't letting it out "your hair looks nice." I knew he didn't want me to train, but if I was ever going to survive here, I needed to learn to be like them.

"Thank you." I turned to him and he walked over to me

Thranduil took my hand in his and he looked me right in the eyes

"I don't want you getting hurt Evelyn I can't teach you."


"I'm not going to watch you march off into battle one day. I will not stand by it."

"Thranduil please, I must learn."

"No! I'm not going to see you get hurt! Not again! I can't teach you to be a living weapon!"

"He wouldn't use me like that. It's just loyalty. If he'll ever need me to protect his kingdom I will! He saved my life, it's the least I can do. Thranduil please you know the skills, teach me." I begged


"You know what ? one day I will get killed and my blood will be on your hands! I won't know how fight like you and that'll be the death of me. And when I'm dead I send you a message saying 'I told you so'."

We were silent for a moment. We both had valid points. But I didn't care. Oropher would need me one day and I won't be able to help him. Just like he helped me.

"If you won't teach me then I'll find someone else to teach me."

"You know what fine! Don't come crying to me when your all injured and sad like you ALWAYS DO!"

I was taken back. He was the one I'd go to if I needed comforting. And now that's all lost. In that very moment I couldn't help feeling betrayed. I felt like I lost my best friend. I couldn't face him.

From there I turned on my heels and ran out the door. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Sprinting down the halls, I made my way down to the training room.

It wasn't crowded, but it wasn't empty either. Tears stung my eyes, I tried blinking them away. That was when Someone came up to me.

"Hey, are you doing alright?" I looked up at him he wasn't any ordinary elf. He wasn't even an elf. He was human. A human?

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