Chapter 8

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There was a human sized dumbwaiter on the other side of the hut. It could carry the two of them up or down without any climbing necessary. And the both of them could stand perfectly fine.

Evelyn hopped in it first, making sure it was safe to ride in. It almost sent Thranduil into shock, he feared the ropes would tear and she'd fall to her doom. She was completely fine, she jumped up and down without a care in the world. Evelyn didn't realize how much she was scaring him until she looked up. There was a look of terror on his face, his eyes seemed like they were going to pop out of their sockets. She just giggled and closed his mouth that had fallen open.

"It's perfectly safe...I promise." She put her hand out for Thranduil to take but he just stood there in protest. Evelyn rolled her eyes and did a few more jumps to prove to him that it was fine. But it gave him the opposite of reassurance.

"Evelyn I don't thinks it's a good idea..."

"It's faster and more efficient."

"I don't-"

"Do you fear riding in it?" She teased cocking her head to the side. Evelyn watched as his eyes darkened and his face turned red

He wasn't actually afraid of riding in it. The fact that they wouldn't fit was the problem. He was too tall and probably to heavy. He wasn't an average sized elf. He was tall and a bit muscular for a young elf. Thranduil feared the rope would break if he stepped on the platform.

"Let me in first, then we'll see who's scared." So Evelyn stepped out and let Thranduil in first. The ropes lowered a bit because he was a large elf. But Evelyn noticed this and began think about wether or not they'd fall. "You scared?" He teased, she gulped down her fears and stepped forward.

Their weight could be sustained but it did lower a bit. When she stepped on it dropped a bit making the platform creak. Evelyn gasped, closing her eyes shut. She didn't even realize hat she was clinging on to the Prince's robes. It wasn't just her though, he had the same thoughts about falling. So when the platform lowered, he instinctively embraced the Princess with protective arms. None of them even noticed until they realized that they weren't falling.

Evelyn looked up at him as he looked down, making no sudden moves incase it were to fall. She wanted to separate from him, for it wasn't her place, but she didn't want to be that cause of the fall.

"Let's get off..." Evelyn whispered into his robes

"No...we're going down...there's no going back now." He reached for the lever that would lower them

"Thranduil...." She hesitated, clinging closer to him. Evelyn looked up at to to find him looking down at her.

"It's perfectly safe....I promise.." He whispered looking her in the eyes. Not for a moment did her look away from her. He looked her straight in the eyes as he pulled the lever. They moved down slowly at first.

"Thranduil-" she began to panic, looking at the ground

"Shhh..just look at me...." He turned her head towards him "look at me..."

He could see the terror in her eyes and he wanted to reassure her, so he smiled. The corner of his lips forming a friendly gesture. His smile made Evelyn's heart speed up and he watched as red spread across her face. It only made him smile wider and her blush harder.

They finally touched ground and the platform landed with a plop. Thranduil stepped out, holding his hand out for Evelyn to take. She glad fully took it and he helped her out.

"Thank You." She whispered gingerly, looking at her feet. Thranduil just smiled down at her, and even he was blushing a bit.


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