Chapter 33

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How I imagine Evelyn and Siren^^^

Thranduil's POV

The rest of the ride to Rohan was pretty smooth. We didn't speak though. What Evelyn did was crazy, but she wasn't afraid. BUT I WAS. I had no idea it was a joke and to be completely honest, that was mean. I'm am as much to blame though, she wouldn't have jumped had I opened my eyes. I was too scared to open them. She was way too reckless.

I can't imagine loosing her, I mean I've felt that feeling before. Loosing someone and it's terrible. I don't want to go through all of that again. A world without Evelyn is like a world without the sun or the moon or the stars. It wouldn't even be a world without her. It's not a world worth living in. But I would leave this world if it meant being with Evelyn. She is my everything.


Evelyn's POV

"He's thinking about you."

"You can read his mind?"

"I can read anyone's mind yes."

"What he thinking exactly?"

"He thinking about he can't imagine loosing you."


"He blames himself for almost loosing you. He feels that because he didn't open his eyes-"

"It wasn't his fault. He shouldn't blame himself."

"He loves you Evelyn. More than life."

"I know...I know."

Soon after our little mind conversation, Rohan was soon visible.

"There's Rohan!" Siren began to descend slowly and landed in front of the gates. The guards came out, petrified by Siren's appearance.

"Who dares enter Rohan without the consent of the King?" I raised my hands above my head to show that I meant no harm

"My name is Evelyn and this is Thranduil, King of Mirkwood. This is Siren. We're here to hunt down the bats that have been terrorizing Rohan."

"And who sent you?!"

"Nobody I came here myself."


"Look, does the King need my help or not. If not, then I'll just fly on home and leave your city to perish."

They paused for a moment and spoke to each other before turning around.

"The King may need you, we'll need your weapons first."

"Very well then." I hopped off of Siren's backs and handed them my visible weapons. Thranduil followed my lead.

And they opened the gates for us. They wanted to keep Siren outside the gates, so she just waited for us there.

"What do you think King Théoden is like?" Thranduil whispered

"I'm not sure but I hope he's nice." I smiled

(This was way before Théoden was bewitched by worm-tongue)

The town seemed distant. All of the people were hiding and no children ran about anywhere. This wasn't what I read about in the books. I only wondered what the king was like.

Soon we made our way up the steps of the castle and there the guards stopped us.

"We're here to put and end to the bat problems." I stated, they looked at us wearily "don't worry the guards at the gate took our weapons."

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