Chapter 32

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Evelyn's POV

I can't stop thinking about yesterday at the falls. That was...amazing. I never thought I'd have that kind of experience in my life. Ever.

Anyway, those memories will be treasured in my mind forever. All of that was great and all, but eventually I have to come back to reality.

Thranduil had a council meeting this morning. The new King thing is driving him crazy, but he manages. But when he's gone, I'm so bored and lonely.

Since it was nice outside, I thought that maybe I'd take Deppson for a ride. But then I remembered that one of the guards took him out yesterday and wore him out. Darn.

Well I wasn't going to lie in bed all day. Alone. So I got up, took a shower, got dressed and just walked around the castle.

During my little adventure through the castle, I over heard some of the guards talking about how giant bats were being a nuisance. That they didn't just come out during the night, but during the day too. And they were attacking villages everywhere.

I took advantage of that news...I was going bat hunting. So I grabbed my weapons, and jumped down the stairs, making my way to the courtyard.

"Siren, there's something I want to do today. Meet me in the courtyard."

"Already here."

I loved how she was always one step ahead of me. When I got there, she was already saddled and ready to go.

"What are we doing today?"

"We're going bat hunting."

"Bat hunting?"

"Yes, some of the guards were talking about how villages were being terrorized by them. And I intend to solve this issue."

"Yourself?" I rolled my eyes

"With your help of course."

"Alright so where are we going exactly?"

"Rohan!" I said excitingly. I've never been there, but I've read so much about and I've always wanted to go there.

"Rohan, that's not very far. That's like half a days flight."

"Half a day to get there, we do our job quickly, half a day to get back. We'll only be gone for one day. Maybe less if we're quick."

"Lady Evelyn." One of the guards cut it "may I ask where you're flying to? I need to tell the king if he is to ask."

"Oh, well I'm flying to Rohan to take care of some business. I'll shouldn't be longer than two days."

"It's very dangerous in Rohan. That village is being ripped apart by giant bats. It's not safe."

"Don't worry yourself. I've got Siren. Just tell Thranduil I won't be gone long and that I'll be careful."

"There's no need to tell me anything." Yet another voice cut was Thranduil

"And why is that?" I said, adding a little sass to my question

"Because..." He started walking closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist "I'll be going with you..." And he pulled me closer to him, pressing his warm lips against mine. "I've must protect my future Queen."

"It's going to be dangerous Thranduil."

"Which is exactly why I'm going."

"The fool is going to get himself killed." Siren butted in telepathically. I tried my best not to laugh or snort.

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