Chapter 31

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Warning. Things do get smutty towards the end of the chapter!!! enjoy!!

Evelyn's POV

I jolted out of bed, sitting upright and scared out of my mind. I woke up in a cool sweat, definitely the kind of sweat you have when you wake up from a nightmare. My heart raced and I couldn't make it stop.

I turned my head, hoping to find Thranduil. He wasn't in bed. I was scared for a moment. But then he came walking out of the bathroom, like nothing ever happened. It was all just a dream. The war, his death...everything.

"Evelyn...are you alright-?"

I leaped out of bed and wrapped my arms around his chest, holding him close.

"I'm more than alright! You have no idea how happy I am to see you!" I sobbed

"Then why are you crying tears of sorrow Melleth nîn?"

"These aren't tears of sorrow. They're tears of joy."

"I take it you're overwhelmed to see I that godly that you cry in very presence?" He teased

"No!" I playfully pushed him, and dried my tears

"Then what's the matter really?" He said softly, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. "You can tell me." He caresses my cheek with his thumb, something I thought I'd never feel again.

I wanted to tell him, honestly. But the memories remained and they left a powerful scar. A little tear fell down my cheek and Thranduil whipped it away.

"Please I want to help you." I gulped down my fear and finally said it


"Woah woah woah, Evelyn slow down my love, you're making me dizzy."

"You started a war Thranduil. Out of anger. You wanted revenge for your father and you sent everyone to war with you. Even me and Siren. You acted like you didn't love me anymore. We didn't even get to say goodbye before you left. We all fought valiantly, but you were cut down. I wasn't there to save you. You died Thranduil and there was nothing I could do about it. It was too late by the time I got to you. It was so real....I'm just happy it was only a dream. I was so scared. Of losing you, I just.."

"Shhh." He coaxed "it's all better now...I'm here with you and nothing is going to change that. And don't think even for a second that I'll stop loving you. Because that's never going to happen." Thranduil leaned in and kissed me, pressing his soft lips against mine.



"You're not planning on going to war any time soon are you?"

"No of course not." He chuckled


"I have something planned for the both of us today." He smirked, pulling me towards the door

"Thranduil I just woke up, I'm sleepy!" I whined

"I have the perfect way to wake you up." He picked me up, carrying me bridle style all the way to the stables. There his elk was all saddled up and ready.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He whispered

"I have a bad feeling about this-" Thranduil lifted me up and placed me on his elk.

"I promise you, you'll enjoy it."


We rode to a small lagoon in the middle of the forest. It seemed familiar. That because I had been there before. There was a small waterfall that fell into the lagoon. This was the place we fell when we were attacked by the spider. It was a lot prettier here during the day.

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