Chapter 24

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"Evelyn....?" Thranduil said quietly


Thranduil didn't reply. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to make her feel wanted and safe. But be couldn't get his words out. Thranduil stammered for a minute and sighed

"Evelyn...are you going to be alright now?"

She smiled and nodded, taking his hand in hers

"I think we'll both be alright now."


It was then, that Thranduil and Evelyn relized how important they were to each other. They began healing, together. Both of them started eating better and they barely spent any time apart. Noneof them let the other slip away, not even for a moment. Slowly, but surley Evelyn gained back all her weight and all went to back to as it should be. Although she remined scarred by Logan,she didn't let that stop her. She continued training, but this time, it was Thranduil who was teaching. And he was going to do it right.

Oropher noticed these positive changes, just like he noticed everthing else in his kingdom. He was happy that they were all on good terms. Thranduil's father didn't want to leave his son all sick and sad. He would throw a suprise feast for his son and his love.


Thranduil and Evelyn had been training together, when the mark began glowing bright yellow. She was freaked out at first, but after a minuet, she was alright.

"Evelyn, what's going on?"

"You mean you can't see the mark???"

"What mark? I don't see a mark anywhere...are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine, but I think this means something..."


"The night I went missing...something happened..."

"Which is?????"

"You're not going to beleive this, but I met a Dragon named Siren.."

"A Mirkwood!? You really are seeing things.."

"No really. I saw one. Her name was Siren and apparently I am the first born Elven rider." She said proudly

Thranduil fell into a fit of laughs. He really didn't believe that she was really a dragon rider.

Sure she didn't have any experience yet but she'll get there. And she was almost done with

the training Thranduil had been giving her. So she'd have the time to learn to ride dragons.

She looked back down to her forearm, the mark was still glowing. Evelyn couldn't understand why he couldn't see it. So she was determined to show him Siren herself.

Evelyn was being drawn to the courtyard, so she took Thranduil's wrist and dragged him with her.

"Evelyn where-?"

"Shhh!" She snapped

She could feel Siren's presence near by, so she started jogging towards the exit.

and sure enough, there she was. Standing in the courtyard. Her big strong form,

standing tall.

"Hello again Evelyn." Siren said telepatically

Evelyn stood there in amazement, she wondered about the many other capabilities Siren was holding.

"Ummm, hello to you too's good to see you."

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