Chapter 38

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After leaving Evelyn, Thranduil made it a point to find her a caretaker. He walked through the halls, trying to think about who would be trustworthy enough to take care of her. To be completely honest,  the last man who was aquatinted with Evelyn, didn't end up living very long after. Thranduil didn't want to have to kill anyone else. There had to be someone.

Who could be old enough but not too young for the job. Evelyn want going to leave her alone with an adult. But he wasn't going to put w child to labor either. He finally came to a conclusion. Beren Cynthian would be the boy for the job.

He was about 14 ( in human years). He also had a good heart and was a hard worker.  Beren was the son of one of the guards and was always around. Nobody really put him to work, but if he was needed, his father would make him do anything. Thranduil didn't want to force him to care for Evelyn if he didn't want to, but  he would be desperately needed.

So he marched down the halls in search for this boy. Where would he be? The fountain? The garden? The stables? Ah yes the garden. That boy was always drawing something in that sketch pad of his.

Thranduil found him eventually. He was sitting in a tree, sketching something from above.

"Beren?" He asked, the boy looked down at him and smiled

"Good morning my Lord." He said hopping of me and bowing to his King

"Yes, well for you maybe. You see Beren, Evekyn...she's unwell and I won't be able to take care of her. I need someone to look after her for a while when I'm not there. I was wondering if you'd like to take my place. You don't have to if you don't want to son, but your help will be surely appreciated."

"My lord-"

"I know you may not be the most highly interested in this job at all, but if you'd do this for me, I'd be able to pay you in money for your assistance."

"Yes my lord anything for the Royal family! No pay needed!"

"Are you sure? I feel terrible having you look after her with no reward."

"Yes I'm sure." He smiled

"Alright then, let me know if you happen to change your mind. Evelyn's upstairs in her bedroom."

"Yes sir, right away!"

Having this young boy look after Evekyn lifted weights off of Thranduil's shoulders.


Beren ran all the way upstairs so quickly, he didn't want anything bad to happen to Evelyn while Thranduil was away.

When he got to her room, he was shocked to see her out of bed.

"Miss Evelyn! You shouldn't be out of bed!" He urged

"Pardon, but may I ask who you are." She asked

"Oh! My apologies Miss, but the King himself sent me to look after you while he was away."

"Thranduil's going to have a talk with me. Child labor is of no tolerance here."

"No Miss, I wanted to look after you. Anything for the King! He even offered me money, but I took none."

"So you really are the boy for the job?"

"Yes Miss, my name is Beren Cynthian and I'll be looking after you from now on."

"Well, I hope I don't bore you to death."

"Miss Evelyn, the King said you were unwell, why are you out of bed?"

"He hasn't told you...had he?"

"Told me what Miss?"

"We didn't want the kingdom to know yet, so you must promise to keep this a secret."

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