Chapter 30

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Ok guys in this chapter is gonna be a bit shorter than most and it skips a lot. So just a heads up. Enjoy!

Evelyn's POV

I was scared out of my mind. He was going to war, just for revenge. This isn't what was right. He was going to loose more than gain anything out of this. I didn't want to die. But, he was the king now.

But what has gotten into him!? Clearly he's not thinking straight or even at all.

I know he's had a messed up week this past week, but WAR. WAS HE OUT OF HIS MIND!?

The Thranduil I knew wouldn't do this. He would be more reasonable and understanding. I just hoped he wouldn't do anything rash.

~Three Days Later~

"I need everyone able to fight up and ready to go we leave at dawn!!!" A voice thundered through the halls.

It was the middle of the night and he was waking everyone up. For what? I though for a moment and realized he was going to war.

I flew out of my room and sprinted down the halls after him.

"Thranduil! What are you doing?"

"We're going to war. Will you fight with me?"

"This is crazy please-"

"I have given it much thought and I need to do this. For my father."

I cannot believe he's going to war

"Alright if that's what you choose. Then I will fight with you." I sighed...I was dead already


I bolted all the way through the the castle, down the stairs and to the old barn. I had to tell Siren he was planning on going to war.

"Siren! Siren!"

"What's wrong Evelyn?"

"He's planning on going to war. He wants us to be in it. I will not ask something like this from you. If you-"

"I will fight."

"Really? He thinks we'll have a great advantage."

"I will fight. When do we leave?"


"Then we're wasting time."

3rd person

Evelyn got her saddle ready and put Siren's armor on. It was specially made to fit only Siren. She loaded all of her weapons in every single compartment and stalked up on arrows and daggers.

"You're scared."

"Yes...I'm scared. I'm scared of dying. But I'm not going to let him go out there alone."

"You love him."

"Of course I love him. We're engaged. But we can't get married if one of us dies."

"But it's more than that."

"I've loved him since forever. It just took me a long time to realize it. But I'm not going to let him die."

Evelyn finally put her armor on, also gathering all of her weapons together. Each moment was scarier than the last. Every second that went but was one second closer to death.

She needed to see Deppson one last time. For he wasn't going to be in the war. She wouldn't  allow it.

"Hey boy...I'm going to be gone for a while. Don't miss me too much, because I'm coming back. But if I don't return, I just want you to know how much I love you. We've been through so much and I want you to know how much I cherish those memories. Goodbye Deppson." She said giving him a kiss on his snout before leaving


Evelyn's POV

It was time. When had just arrived at the overlook and everyone was scared out of their mind. Even though Thranduil had killed many orcs during the last battle, he still had no idea how many more were inside the mountain.

"Alright Evelyn. The plan is a surprise attack from the sky."  Thranduil explained

" careful." He nodded

I wanted him to tell me he loves me and he wishes me luck. But he just walked away with few of his men. This whole thing was heartbreaking. I was loosing him, but I wasn't giving up on him. There was still hope.


The battle had begun, Thranduil had struck upon the mountain. Siren and I were high in the sky, above the clouds and out of sight. He didn't want us to fire until a majority of them had left the mountain.

So we awaited the signal. They would blow a horn, so loud that we could hear it from miles away.

And finally, we heard it.....

"Siren, dive.." I said and our steady flight, turned gruesome. She dove so quickly, it was difficult to process. But this time, I wouldn't go flying off. This time I had a saddle. She broke through the clouds and I pulled out my bow, loading an arrow.

The Orc army saw us and began to fire upon Siren, but to no avail. Breaking through dragon hide is hard enough, breaking through dragon hide and thick armor should be impossible.

"FIRE." And on command, Siren set the mountain on fire, scorching everything on the mountain.

We flew by a massive group of orcs and I shot a couple of them. They fired back, an arrow nicked the side of my cheek.

As we continued circling and firing, I finally found Thranduil. He and his men were fighting their way out of being completely surrounded. I thought they'd need some help, so we fired upon the filthy beasts. 

They ended up making their way though, leaving very few orcs left.

Thranduil was fighting one and he seemed injured. It was hard to tell from far away. But more came and their numbers were increasing.

I decided to help him out, so I shot a few of them. But apparently, only a few weren't enough.

For the one Orc I had left alive. The one that I thought that he could handle. Was the one that would matter the most.

Thranduil had fallen on his back and the Orc took its chance. Driving a rusty old sword right through his heart. I saw him scream out in pain, the Orc pulled the sword out and the blood began gushing from his chest. The beast held it high above his head and before he could cause more harm, I put an arrow right through his skull.

I had Siren fly low enough for me to jump off and run to his side. She kept on striking the enemy while I ran the opposite direction.

"Thranduil!" I screamed. I ran so fast I nearly tripped over dead bodies.

When I did finally make it to him, I kneeled down by his side and shook him.

"Thranduil! Come on wake up!" He was unresponsive. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. I put my ear to his heart and I didn't hear a beat. The King was dead.

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