Chapter 35

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Imagine his wife has red hair^ srry I couldn't find one with actual red hair

*+*The Next Night*+*

It was the eve of Thranduil and Evelyn's wedding. Everyone was to attend. They didn't want to return to Mirkwood after what happened last time. But as usual Thranduil was able to convince them to come. He had promised to have extra guards in every area that night. There were to be no orcs at the wedding.

They were getting ready for bed, Evelyn was already lying down when Thranduil came to join her. She had been facing towards the edge of the bed and she seemed upset.

Naturally sensing her different moods, he lied down with her, pulling the blankets over the both of them.

"Is something bothering you my love?" He asked, hoping she'd answer. But she didn't.

"Evelyn?" Thranduil turned on his side so that he'd be facing her backside. Slowly, he slid over a bit so that they'd be spooning. He held her close to him and kissed her on the cheek. "What's the matter?" She sighed, finally answering the question

"I...I'm just a bit nervous that's all."

"About the wedding?" She nodded

"Never mind, it's foolish."

"No, Evelyn, if you aren't ready, we can postpone the wedding for another time."

"We can't do that. Many have already started making their ways here. We can't just send them back like that." Evelyn turned around to face him

"Everything's going to be fine. I promise. You'll have me there with you." He said reassuringly, rubbing her shoulders

"If you promise." She sighed, twirling Thranduil's golden strands around her finger

He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to his chest. He wanted her to feel that she was going to be alright and the two of them would make their vows.

*+*+The Next Day*+*+*

Evelyn's POV

Thranduil had gotten up real early to check on things one last time. He wanted everything to be perfect.

Elrond and his family were the first to arrive. Of course they'd be. He would be the one to marry us. His wife was exquisite, she had beautiful blonde hair and she literally walked as if she were a angel. His sons looked just like him, accept they had their mother's eyes. Their gene pool was blessed, I must admit.

After saying hello and good morning, Thranduil and Elrond walked off to set some things up at the altar, while Celebrían and the twins stayed with me.

"Well, we mustn't wait to get you ready." She piped up "we must have you look your absolute best for your magical day." She took my hand and lead me upstairs where I showed her my chambers. I already had a dress picked out, it was Thranduil's mother's wedding dress. He insisted that I wear it. I know that his parents would be proud of the strong King he has become.

She sort of wobbled over to my bed, where my dress lay. I was confused at first. It didn't occur to me that she was pregnant. When she removed her heavy robes, she was glowing brighter than the moon. The twins ran up to her, putting their ears to her belly, trying to hear the little elfling inside.

"Wow! When are you due?" I asked walking up to her

"A few short weeks. This one is taking its time." The twins giggled

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